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Chairman's Corner

  • 05/26/2022 9:31 PM | Anonymous

    Adherents to gun control typically respond with emotional arguments. However, on those occasions when they attempt to respond with "logic" regarding the Second Amendment itself, those arguments typically take the same tired forms. Here are three of the most popular, and how to dismantle them instantly.

    Myth #1: You have to have a license to operate a car. Why shouldn't you have to have one to own a gun?

    Reality Check: Owning a car is not a right; it's a privilege. Owning a gun is a right. There is no enumerated right to own or drive a car. A license generally isn't required to own a car, or to operate it on private land. Also, gun-control advocates who make the "treat guns like cars" argument would probably be strongly opposed to a reciprocity system for those licensed to carry firearms that was as good as the reciprocity system for driver's licenses. (And if they say guns are more dangerous, point out how many people are killed by cars every year.)

    Myth #2: The Second Amendment specifies that owning a gun is only for serving in "a Well-regulated militia"-what we now call the National Guard. That means gun ownership is a collective right of the people (not individuals), and that guns must be controlled by the government.

    Reality Check: First off, the opening to the Second Amendment is a dependent clause. It helps explain and justify the independent clause that follows, but is not essential to making that clause true. Moreover, back in the day when the Constitution was written, "well regulated" didn't mean "controlled." It meant "well practiced" or "well drilled." And the militia wasn't anything like today's National Guard: All able-bodied males were deemed to be in the militia in time or threat of war.

    Further, in order for "the people" to indicate  the citizenry as a whole rather than the individual, the Founding Fathers would have had to use it to mean an individual in the First Amendment, then the collective in the Second Amendment, and back to an individual in the Fourth, Ninth and Tenth amendments. In the landmark 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller decision, the Supreme Court agreed, stating: "Nowhere else in the Constitution does a ‘right' attributed to ‘the people' refer to anything other than an individual right."  D.C. v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 580 (2008). This led them to the conclusion: "There seems to us no doubt, on the basis of both text and history, that the Second Amendment conferred an individual right to keep and bear arms."  D.C. v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 595 (2008).

    Myth #3: The Founding Fathers couldn't have foreseen the technological developments that have led to such things as "black guns." The Second Amendment right was intended only for muzzleloading flintlocks.

    Reality Check: When I hear this, I always ask people if they know what a phaser is. "Oh," they'll say, "that ray gun from Star Trek." Then I'll point out that they don't exist, even though we "know" what they are. Imagination didn't begin in the 20th or 21st centuries. To say that men like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin-who were among the leading inventors of their day-couldn't have foreseen technological advancements is patently absurd. Moreover, some technological concepts that we think of as modern are quite old. For example, there is a 12-shot flintlock in the NRA National Firearms Museum. Manufacturing techniques and the absence of industrialization were more limiting factors than imagination back then.

    Perhaps most compellingly, if the Second Amendment referred only to technology existing at the time it was drafted, then the First Amendment doesn't apply to radio, movies, television or the Internet. Once again, the Supreme Court agrees, stating: "Some have made the argument, bordering on the frivolous, that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment. We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding."  D.C. v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 582 (2008)

    Calmly and politely explaining these facts can go a long way to change someone's mind about the Second Amendment and what it means. Spread the word!

  • 05/19/2022 12:34 PM | Anonymous

    Wayne County SCOPE Members’ Meeting Minutes

    May 10, 2022

    Opening w/15 attendees 7:02 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

    Minutes from April 13, 2022 Read, seconded and approved with revisions.

    Treasurers Report Read, seconded and approved with an April ending balance = $3,080.28.

    Treasurer Mark Coleman is requesting an annual audit of finances.  Ken Miller is looking into finding an outsider to perform the audit.

    A motion was made, seconded, and approved to reimburse the chairman for the cost of the mounting bracket used to mount the new TV to the north wall of the Legion Post with  permission granted by the Legion Commander, Cliff Walters. 

    A motion was made, seconded, and approved to purchase a video camera for Zooming meetings at a price not to exceed $100. 

    Raffles and State Banquet: The recent gun raffle netted Wayne County Scope about $500. A Henry .243 was donated by State SCOPE when its winner in the state’s 2021 5-gun raffle declined it in lieu of cash.

    Discussion took place as to the number of tickets to order for State SCOPE’s 2022 5-Gun Raffle with prices to be $10 per ticket or 3 tickets for $25.  It was decided to order 100 tickets to start. The chairman will visit each county gun club in an effort to sell raffle tickets. The drawing will be held on September 10 at the SCOPE Banquet to be hosted this year by Genesee County SCOPE and held at Batavia Downs. Ads for the banquet program will be sold, for which the prices have been reduced to make it easier to sell.  We ask that members help in selling these ads. 

    Pistol Permit Recertification Information can be found on the NYS SCOPE Webpage – Home Page – Chapter – Wayne County – Chairman’s Corner – Recertification Status.

    Donation: The Williamson Conservation & Sporting Club is changing their monthly donation of $125 per month to Wayne County SCOPE to an annual donation of $1,500. This is greatly appreciated.

    Committee Volunteerism: A discussion of the committees, time to meet and structure took place.  The committees and chairs are:  Communication (Dave Colburn), Demographics (Bob Brannan), Events (Gary Tucker), Finance (Mark Coleman), Fundraising ( vacant ), Marketing ( vacant) Membership (Penny Gugino),  PACT(Don Smith). Members are asked to join a committee of choice and consider chairing the vacancies. We are considering utilizing a portion of each monthly meeting for these committees to meet. 

    Upcoming SCOPE Events:

    Williamson Apple Blossom Festival:  May 21, 2022.  Gary Tucker & Peter DeRidder.   Lyons Peppermint Days: July 16, 2022.  Two Volunteers needed.  

    Brantling Festival:  July 30, 2022.  Don Smith & (a Volunteer needed).

    Wayne County Fair:  August 8 – 13, 2022.  Two Volunteers needed PER DAY. 

    Walworth LumberJack Festival: September 10, 2022- Mark Coleman & (a Volunteer needed).

    Marion Harvest Days: September 10, 2022 - Ken Miller and (a Volunteer needed).

    (Please call Don or Gary if you can volunteer for any of these events)

    Legislative Update Discussion of possible development of a state database of residents who have not taken COVID vaccines.

    Wayne County Federation meets on the 3rd Tuesday monthly at 7 pm. Meetings are held at the Sodus Bay Sportsmens Club. The chairman attends regularly and attempts to coordinate SCOPE and Federation activities as well as activities sponsored by member clubs of the Federation. Wayne County SCOPE strongly supports Federation activities involving the youth of Wayne County. These include annual hunting, fishing and camping activities.  Members are requested to speak to the chairman if they have an interest in attending any of the Federation meetings.                                                                          

    Fund Raising Ideas: Genesee County is unusually active with several of their members accepting leadership roles to facilitate their fundraising activities including: cash raffles; candy bar sales; gun raffle; water glasses and tumblers sales; stein sales; yard sign sales; coin sales; gas card sales.

    Primary Voting Redistricting was discussed by Dan Olson is still in the Court of Appeals:  

    New district maps will be available Friday, May 20.

    State Assembly Primary is June 28, 2022.

    State Senate and Congressional District Primary is August 23, 2022.

    The Video “Deadly Force in Self Defense: What You Need to Know”, narrated by Massad Ayoob, was shown and discussed. 

    SCOPE Board Present Don Smith /Chairman, Mark Coleman /Treasurer; Penny Gugino /Member At Large; Gary Tucker /Member At Large; Cheryl Eberlin /Member at Large (and minutes taker tonight). 

    Meeting Closed 8:27 pm

  • 05/03/2022 1:15 PM | Anonymous

    Pistol Permit Recertification Renewal

    As of March 16th, several SCOPE members are getting emails about their pistol permit recertification and are, legitimately, concerned about a scam.  SCOPE tried to get confirmation from the state police.

    A visit to the state police web site is not helpful in confirming of these Emails are valid.

    The state police web site "contact information" contains a phone number (You will have a better chance of reaching the IRS on April 15th).  We tried.  After a very long message you get to press 1 and end up in oblivion.

    The web site also has an Email address - but it goes to the governor.  Good luck getting a timely response that does not refer you to the state police web site.

    Finally, calling the local troop headquarters got a human being who tried to help.  She investigated and could only say, "We believe Emails are being sent out."  She could not confirm yes or no and she cautioned not to click on any links in the Email.

    Our best advice is to treat the Email as a reminder, only. Do not click on the links.

    (What follows) is the information that SCOPE previously sent out.  It contains a legitimate link to start the recertification process.

    The deadline for pistol permit renewal in New York is five years after your exact date of certification.


    1/1/2017 is due 1/1/2022;

    1/31/2017 is due 1/31/2022

    1/1/2018 is due 1/1/2023

    You can check on the date you certified on this site:

    You will need your driver's license number and the last four digits of your SSN.

  • 04/19/2022 12:08 AM | Anonymous

    Wayne County SCOPE Meeting

    April 13, 2022 Minutes

    Meeting Attendance:  20. started at 7pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Minutes from March 9, 2022 were read and approved.

    Treasurers Report April balance = $2,958.12

    Annual SCOPE Members Meeting Reminder:  April 30th, Ramada Inn in Geneva, members’ meeting starts at 10 am, followed by a State Board meeting. Members are welcome to attend the SBOD meeting.  Gun Raffle drawing to take place. Closing time estimated to be 4 pm. 

    Discussion of Bills in House/Assembly: Members are asked to visit the SCOPE website for NY State and Federal Legislation bills.

    Gun Manufacturers cannot be sued for frivolous lawsuits but can be sued by individuals despite attempts by some government officials who say otherwise.

    Munitions containing more than 1% lead cannot be used on State land/ NY City Watershed if bills currently in NY State Legislature pass.

    Pam Helming is requesting feedback RE:  Bill requiring “Tax on Ammo”: $0.02/round 22 ammo; $0.05/other.

    Contact her re Senate bill 8415 by email: 

    Assemblyman Brian Manktelow on possible upcoming bill re:  “Stringent Record Keeping for Gun Sales”. (Will this result in long gun registration?)

    Introduction of Robert Groom, Lyons NY; and John Murtari, Lyons NY as potential candidates in the newly formed 24TH Congressional District. However, neither candidate obtained the required 1250 signatures and thereby are not eligible for the June 28 GOP Primary. 

    The WCS Board and members voted to purchase a 60 inch TV to be used by WC SCOPE and the American Legion at a cost not to exceed $500.

    We are attempting to set up a zoom meeting of a debate between Chris Jacobs and Mario Fratto for our May 11th meeting. Jacobs will be in Washington while Fratto will be at our meeting in the Marion Legion Post. All members in the newly formed 24th Congressional District will be notified via email with the required link and phone number or are welcome to attend the meeting in person. Our new TV will be used for this purpose  

    Chris Jacobs and Mario Fratto will be the only GOP candidates on the June 28 Primary ballot.

    Republican Primary Day June 28th, 2022

    Sheriff Milby reported that Road Patrol is down by 1/3, moral is good.  He encouraged citizens to encourage and let the officers know how much they are appreciated.

    An average of 50 gun permits are approved each month with a turn around time of about five months.

    SCOPE Board Don Smith/Chairman; Dave Colburn/Vice Chairman; Cory Woodward/Secretary; Mark Coleman/Treasurer;  Penny Gugino /Member At Large; Gary Tucker/Member At Large; Cheryl Eberlin/Member At Large.

  • 04/11/2022 11:07 AM | Anonymous

    Biden’s New ATF Nominee: Worse than David Chipman!  by Don Smith

    Last year, gun owners across America stood up and rejected David Chipman’s nomination to run the scandal-ridden ATF.  Now, we’re going to have to do it again.

    According to several sources, Biden’s handlers are about to nominate Steve Dettelbach as the new director of the ATF. And if you thought that Chipman was the worst nominee possible, I’ve got bad news for you: Steve Dettelbach is even worse!  

    There is no time to waste, as Biden’s team is trying to rally support for Dettelbach behind closed doors as we speak. Please call our NY senators and express your strong opposition against this left-wing activist immediately!
    Chairman Wayne County SCOPE

    1.Contact Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (D) 

    DC Phone Number: 202-224-6542 (you will need to leave a message)


    2.Contact Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) 

    DC Phone Number: 202-224-4451 (you may need to leave a message)


    Dettelbach was a former candidate for Ohio Attorney General (and a former United State Attorney during the Obama Administration). Dettelbach has made gun control a core part of his public image and is on the record in support of:

    >>> A total ban on the sale of AR-15s and hundreds of similar firearms, along with the magazines that we need to run them. To be clear, Dettelbach supports bringing felony charges against law abiding Americans who buy these rifles!

    >>> Establishing a national registry of every firearm and every gun owner under the guise of ‘Universal Background Checks.’ The left wants this data to lay the groundwork for eventual gun confiscation!

    >>> Putting gun owners with a variety of misdemeanor convictions on the ‘prohibited persons’ NICS list. Once we go down this road and put non-felons into NICS, millions of gun owners will be disarmed!

    Dettelbach also supports seizing guns from people who are seeking help for mental health difficulties, but who have never been adjudicated as defective. This sounds like the ‘unsafe’ act. 

    Dettelbach’s commitment to the left’s gun control agenda is why Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety backed him when he ran for Attorney General in Ohio in 2018 -- and why he received the personal endorsement of Barack Obama and Joe Biden! 

    Last Last year, gun owners across America stood up and rejected David Chipman’s nomination to run the scandal-ridden ATF.  Now, we’re going to have to do it again.

    According to several sources, Biden’s handlers are about to nominate Steve Dettelbach as the new director of the ATF. And if you thought that Chipman was the worst nominee possible, I’ve got bad news for you: Steve Dettelbach is even worse!  

    There is no time to waste, as Biden’s team is trying to rally support for Dettelbach behind closed doors as we speak. Please call our NY senators and express your strong opposition against this left-wing activist immediately!

    Don Smith,  Chairman Wayne County SCOPE

    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety,
    deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”   — Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

  • 03/24/2022 11:50 PM | Anonymous

    S.C.O.P.E. (Shooters Committee On Political Education) needs your continued membership. The past three years have seen continued suppression of our liberties with gun bills which have had no effect on reducing gun violence. Their passage merely restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens like yourself.

    A great deal of preparation is needed if we are to take advantage of the resignation of Governor Cuomo. The 2022 elections are right around the corner and two major goals lie ahead of us:

    1.One is the election of a Republican governor. Excellent candidates are available. 

    2.The other goal is for the Republicans to win back the State Senate. This may require two election cycles.

    One or both goals will bring a halt to further passage of obtrusive legislation designed to encroach upon our civil and Constitutional liberties. We need to work cooperatively to prevent legislation which would:

    >Require the registration of long guns?
    >Require a mental exam before purchasing or transferring a pistol, rifle or shotgun?
    >Require us to purchase high levels of liability insurance?>Require us to undergo a background check to buy a box of ammunition?

    I think I know your answers to such questions. But what commitment are you willing to make?

    >Will you help our organized battle by renewing your membership?
    >Will you help recruit other gun owners in your county? 
    >will you register new voters and encourage all to vote?

    We have enough gun owners in New York to win any election.

    *Renew your S.C.O.P.E. membership today at our website:   -OR-

    *Mail the membership form on the back of a Firing Lines to PO Box 165, East Aurora, NY 14052 

  • 02/14/2022 10:54 PM | Anonymous

    A good friend and 2A supporter sent this to me:

     I spoke to Assemblyman David DiPietro about the big problem gun owners will have when marijuana becomes legal to buy and to use.  This is a way the federal government can take away your second amendment rights.  It seems that the legal purchase of pot will need you to show proof of your age with a government document with a photo.  Usually this is a driver's license.  That information can be captured by the government and your name will be on a list of marijuana purchases which can be sent to the FBI and the NICS list to make you ineligible for purchasing guns.  It also opens the door for the feds to check the list against the list of people who own guns, like pistol permits an hunting licenses and could give them a reason to knock on your door, arrest you and confiscate all your guns.  This last sentence is my opinion, but I believe this federal government is capable and willing to do so as their passion for "more gun control" increases.  Attached is the statement from Assemblyman DiPietro who has a perfect Second Amendment record as a legislator.  I believe what he says. Pass this on to your gun owning friends.

    From Assemblyman DiPietro:

    Hi .."To all firearms owners: please be advised that any purchase of legalized marijuana in New York State will result in the confiscation of your firearms. Marijuana is still a controlled substance according to federal law. Federal law supercedes state law.

  • 02/12/2022 10:00 PM | Anonymous

    I’m more convinced than ever that SCOPE must focus beyond defending only the Second Amendment. We must emphasize that the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments, and perhaps others, to be of equal importance. 

    • Let’s look at the facts. Intrusion by the state and federal governments as well as bureaucrats over the past 2 years have limited our rights as protected in more than one amendment. 

      Recall President Biden’s remark in his acceptance speech on January 20, 2020:  “‘We The People’ means the government”.

      Nothing could be further from the truth. I prefer a statement by our first President, George Washington: “The power under the Constitution will always be in the people”.

      The “pandemic” with its selective shutdowns, mask and other mandates may have been well-intentioned by some. But the Constitution, according to Daniel Webster, was “made to guard against the dangers of good intentions”…”There are men, in all ages…who mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise to be kind masters; but they mean to be masters…They think there need be but little restraint upon themselves…the love of power may sink too deep in their own hearts….”

      Sound all too familiar? The possibility of greater harm looms ahead. How many of you are aware that under the leadership of Gov. Kathy Hochul, the New York State Department of Health (DOH) has considered adopting several regulations pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed regulations have prompted a great deal of public concern due to their encroachments upon personal and religious liberty. 

      In a February 8 press release, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R-Pulaski) said: 

      The COVID pandemic opened the door to an era of government overreach and the Hochul Administration is taking full advantage of the opportunity… If the governor and her agency commissioners want to turn temporary measures into permanent laws, send the bills to the Legislature, and let them go through the legislative process with debate and proper consideration. Making agency directives permanent is a blatant end-run around the Senate and Assembly, and an extension of the unilateral Executive-Order governing that defined the last two years.”

      The proposed regulation would expand the Health Department’s authority to isolate and quarantine New Yorkers due to communicable diseases. This regulation would give Health Department officials, in coordination with law enforcement, the authority to force an individual into isolation, including in a place that is not their home.

      Recall the words of Thomas Jefferson: “We in America do not have government by the majority—we have government by the majority who participate…All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

      How then can you participate?  Click on each of the four links below to easily send your comments on the proposed regulations to the New York State Department of Health. The public comment period for these proposals ends on Monday, February 14, 2022.










  • 01/21/2022 5:48 PM | Anonymous

    Marijuana became legal in the state of Montana just a few weeks ago on New Year’s Day. NY State Gun owners beware! Marijuana legalization will lead to loss of firearms.

    For a lot of people, that’s big. However, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be (pun intended). After all, while you can lawfully use pot, you have to give up a little something to do so.

    Namely, your ability to lawfully own firearms.

    key federal agency has confirmed a fact underreported in coverage of the state’s new marijuana program: It remains illegal under federal law for individuals to simultaneously possess marijuana or marijuana products and firearms. Penalties for violating that law are severe.

    The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives confirmed the policy to Montana Free Press last week, noting that the federal Gun Control Act prohibits a person who possesses a controlled substance from possessing a firearm or ammunition. Cannabis is currently recognized as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance.

    “The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) prohibits a person who uses a controlled substance from possessing a firearm or ammunition,” ATF Public [sic]. GCA repealed the Federal Firearms Act of 1938, though many of its provisions were reenacted as part of the GCA, which revised the FFA and its predecessor, the National Firearms Act of 1934.

    It should be noted that the Drug Enforcement Agency is responsible for determining which drugs go into which schedule. Since marijuana has been legalized to some degree in so many places, it would make sense to at least change pot to a schedule 2 controlled substance.

    Not that it will help. You see, more properly, what the ATF should have noted is that unlawful users of controlled substances aren’t able to possess firearms. Because of federal law, marijuana use of any kind is considered unlawful, even with a prescription.

    So even if pot was downgraded to a schedule 2, it would still mean that recreational use would bar someone from lawfully owning guns.

    What’s clearly needed here is something that we’re not likely to see. What we need is for federal law to step in and mandate that so long as a drug is legal in that state, one doesn’t lose their Second Amendment rights for using it. All the more reason for flipping the Senate in November 2022. Elections do have a consequence. 

  • 12/30/2021 12:05 AM | Anonymous

    My last post referenced attempts in New Jersey to pass new bills “intended to strengthen the state’s gun laws”.

    NY State’s legislative bodies (Senate & Assembly) begin their new session next week on January 5.  Several Gun control bills were presented in the past 3 years with many taking a back seat to the problems surrounding the pandemic.  Will this be the year New Jersey “like” bills are introduced here?  Can we expect you to become more involved in monitoring such legislation?

    One of SCOPE’s major goals is to track such bills and educate members as well as our elected officials as to whether we support or reject each piece of legislation.  

    This is a time consuming process requiring a good deal of research.  We need members who have the time for such research to engage in the bill-tracking process. 

    This will be a topic of discussion at our next Wayne County Members’ Meeting to be held on January 12 @7 pm in the Marion American Legion Post.  Consider this a request to attend and become more involved in your SCOPE Chapter.

    “Make no mistake…everyone counts and their participation matters.”


A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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