What we are all about and "Why would I want to join SCOPE?"
The mission of S.C.O.P.E., Inc. is to Protect, Restore
and Expand the gun rights of all New Yorkers.
- Monitoring New York State and local governments for gun legislation.
- Donating to support legal efforts to restore our 2A rights
- Supporting pro-2nd Amendment politicians.
- Working with other 2nd Amendment Organizations
- Tirelessly making every effort to educate anti-gun politicians.
- Working with government officials to sponsor pro 2nd Amendment legislation.
- Keeping our members informed on politicians and legislation that will affect your 2nd Amendment rights.
- Rating politicians based upon their legislation and voting records to educate our members during elections.
- Maintaining a website with the latest information on news, legislation and events related to 2nd Amendment rights.
- Publicly speaking and debating gun issues with anti-gun politicians and anti- gun organizations.
- Attending numerous shooting sports events to increase awareness with all types of gun owners
- We are 100% MEMBERSHIP FUNDED made up of concerned gun owners and conservation clubs across New York State.
- Join and Support the Shooters Committee on Political Education!
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