The unconstitutional laws enacted by Democrat legislatures from coast-to-coast have led to numerous lawsuits against them by 2nd Amendment (2A) organizations. When AG James defends an unconstitutional law, she does so on the taxpayers’ dime. But those that oppose these laws must finance them out-of-pocket and that requires hundreds of thousands of dollars. Knowing this, AG James appeals all decisions to higher courts, running up the lawyer’s fees and hoping to bankrupt her opponents before the Constitution triumphs. SCOPE is not big enough to finance these lawsuits on our own, but we have done something very unusual for not-for-profit (NFP) organizations; we have fund-raised for and contributed to other NFP organizations in support of their 2A lawsuits. As well as member contributions, money has come from fund raisers at both the state SCOPE and the SCOPE chapter levels.
In 2024, SCOPE asked for contributions to go towards the Vintage Firearms lawsuit SCOPE Member gifted through SCOPE & to Vintage Firearms directly $2317 As of August: $10,067 In 2023, below are the results of contributions to GOA-NY: SCOPE Legal Defense Fund $3,000 SCOPE may be a relatively small organization when compared to the NRA |