CAPITAL DISTRICT-SARATOGA ChapterMeeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 7:00 PM SEE BELOW FOR MEETING SCHEDULE Capital District SCOPE on the web Capital District SCOPE on Twitter Capital District SCOPE on Facebook SCOPE Members: Join our private Capital District/Saratoga Co. Group | Chapter Board
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| The Saratoga / Capital District SCOPE Email Newsletter: February/March 2025 Members and Friends of Saratoga / Capital District SCOPE, please find this email with second amendment news that may be of interest to you. Below are news items and firearm related interest stories that occurred over the past few weeks… CAPITAL DISTRICT SCOPE RELATED NEWS: Meetings in 2025 are the third Tuesday of each month. The dates are as follows: March 18th, April 15th, May 20th, June 17th, July 15th, August 19th, September 16th, October 21st, November 18th. Announcement: we need a treasurer, ours is about to retire. Our web page webmaster says that our page is getting hundreds of hacking attempts to guess the password and break into the system. STATE SCOPE RELATED NEWS: State SCOPE has started a legislative committee that has been formed to evaluate the most concerning firearms legislation emerging from the 2025 New York State legislative session. There are 69 bills related to firearms under consideration. The committee’s mission is to carefully assess these bills and narrow the list down to the Top 10 Most Egregious pieces of legislation. A social media committee began developing brief "Alert Messages"— short, 3-5 minute videos highlighting one of the current anti-gun bills in the New York State legislature. HR 645. SCOPE has reached out to four New York State Republican congressmen and women to request their support for this important legislation. Letters have been sent to Congressmen LaLota, Garbarino, Lawler, and Congresswoman Malliotakis, urging them to cosponsor HR 645 On Thursday January 16, 2025, the SCOPE Board of Directors approved two (2) donations toward lawsuits aimed to support New York State gun owners. The first donation is to a GOA-NY lawsuit (Gazzola vs Hochul). This is the lawsuit focused on getting rid of the ammunition background check. The second donation is to the Firearms Policy Coalition lawsuit (Heeter vs James) which is against the New York State ban on body armor. SCOPE leadership is working on a social media plan. It will be out soon. LOCAL 2A RELATED NEWS: Saratoga Police: Man fired gun at Saratoga Springs police station Albany Hector Gomez, a 41-year-old man from Schenectady has been indicted for allegedly threatening patrons with a gun inside an Albany bar. The incident occurred on February 8 at the Washington Tavern. A Bryant and Stratton college student is in custody after police said a handgun was found in his dorm room. NEW YORK STATE 2A RELATED NEWS: NRA Amicus Brief – NY Antonyuk Case NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act. This case is named Antonyuk v. James. The brief then argues that the Supreme Court’s precedents clearly demonstrate that the original 1791 understanding controls, and that the Court should hear the case to resolve the dispute explicitly. Current NY BILLS (not all of them) Here we go again. More anti-gun bills for the new session. This is just the beginning. These were copied from GOA.
NY Suppressor Bill New York State Senate Minority Leader Robert G. Ortt’s submitted a bill to lift the statewide ban on suppressors for hunting. Senator Ortt’s bill would legalize firearm suppressors in New York state, allowing for the legal possession of suppressors and for their use in hunting. Currently, New York State fully bans the use and ownership of suppressors, including for hunting. Currently, New York State fully bans the use and ownership of suppressors. State Senate Minority Leader Robert G. Ortt’s proposed bill, S02099, would legalize firearm suppressors in New York state, allowing for the legal possession of suppressors. Forty-two other states allow for the use of firearm suppressors. SNUG Anti-gun money Governor Kathy Hochul today announced $20.7 million to support SNUG Street Outreach programs that work to reduce gun violence. The programs also engage the community, religious organizations and clergy, and local businesses by sponsoring anti-violence marches. The following organizations and hospitals will receive funding and support from DCJS to administer SNUG: SNUG Capital Region Albany – Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region: $1,820,329 and Albany Medical Center: $262,310, Troy – Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region: $860,134, Locally, Assemblymember John T. McDonald III said, “As one of the original supporters of SNUG which started here in the Capital Region, I have worked closely with Trinity Alliance and those who are part of SNUG. Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan said, “I want to thank and applaud Governor Kathy Hochul and DCJS for their continued investments for SNUG & GIVE initiatives. Anti-Gun Village Ordinance Passes The Village of Babylon passed a local ordinance at their last Board of Trustees meeting prohibiting the sale of firearms and ammunition within the Village. OTHER STATES - QUICKIE NEWS: - South Dakota Senate Votes to Prohibit Gun Store Merchant Category Codes NATIONAL 2A RELATED NEWS: DOJ Allows Federal Gun Rights Restoration for First Time Since 1992 March 19, 2025. Washington, D.C. – The Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued an Interim Final Rule removing the Attorney General’s delegation of authority to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to process applications for relief from federal firearms disabilities under 18 U.S.C. 925(c). This action follows more than three decades of Congressional funding restrictions that have rendered ATF unable to process individual applications. The rule removes outdated regulations and is part of a broader review of firearm-related policies under Executive Order 14206 (Protecting Second Amendment Rights). Upon the interim final rule’s expected publication tomorrow, the DOJ will begin allowing individuals who are not “dangerous to public safety” to use the statute and petition to have their gun rights restored. Bill No. tbd - Age 21 Act U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is co-sponsoring legislation to raise the minimum age to purchase and possess semiautomatic “assault” rifles and high-capacity ammunition magazines from 18 to 21. Limited exceptions would include service in law enforcement or the armed forces. Bill H.R.496- Veteran’s 2A Rights Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) introduced H.R.496 in response to the Biden VA’s unconstitutional restrictions on veterans’ Second Amendment rights. Rep. Crane’s bill clarifies that any veteran who was reported to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) by a VA fiduciary was done so incorrectly in violation of their constitutional rights. It also forces the VA Secretary to instruct the Attorney General to remove these veterans from the NICS list. Bill HR 7042 - Rifle act Tracey Mann (R-KS) is introducing legislation to put the ATF’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy toward Federal Firearm Licensees (FFL’s) in check. The legislation is titled the Reining In Federal Licensing Enforcement (RIFLE) Act. The RIFLE Act of 2025 aims to: 1.Require ATF to collaborate with FFLs before revoking licenses. 2. Clearly define “willful violation” and impose a higher burden of proof. 3. Allow FFLs to appeal ATF decisions and recover legal fees. 3. Reinstate licenses revoked under the zero-tolerance policy. 5. Establish to handle reimbursement claims. Bill H.R. 404, S. 364 - Hearing protection act. it would remove suppressors from the burdensome requirements of the National Firearms Act (NFA). The bill demands the destruction of all current NFA registration records of silencers/gun mufflers within 365 days of the Act’s enactment. New York State is one of the few states where hearing suppressors (aka silencers) are illegal. Bill H.R. 556 - Lead ammo. H.R. 556, the Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act, which would prohibit USFWS, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service from banning the use of traditional lead ammunition and tackle unless they have approval by the applicable state fish and wildlife department and proof that lead ammunition and tackle is primarily causing wildlife population decline. President Trump Shuts Down Biden’s White House Office of Gun Control President Trump quickly followed through on a promise to shut down the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which was a thinly disguised Biden administration gun control operation. Bill H.R. tbd - Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA). It’s a bill that would prohibit states from banning the manufacture, sale, importation, or possession of rifles and shotguns that are lawfully permitted under federal law. One of the cosponsors is NY Representative Nick Langworthy. Basically, it would preempt state-level firearm restrictions, including New York’s SAFE Act, which was signed into law by former Governor Andrew Cuomo. Tenney described the SAFE Act as unconstitutional and said her proposed federal legislation would not only nullify the SAFE Act but would also block other states from passing similar gun bans. Bill H.R. 38, Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC) has reintroduced the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38). Representative Hudson has introduced the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act at least five times, in the years 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023, and 2025. This year, more than 120 of his colleagues are co-sponsors. If your Representative is not a sponsor, politely ask them to co-sponsor. This bipartisan bill will provide nationwide reciprocity for concealed carry license holders and residents of Constitutional Carry states. Bill, HR 645 – the National Constitutional Carry Act Congressman Massie’s House of Representatives bill, HR 645 – the National Constitutional Carry Act was introduced on January 15, 2025. In a continued effort to advance our advocacy for Second Amendment rights, MISC. When Is It Legal to Shoot a Gun in a Rural Backyard? In upstate New York, discharging a firearm in rural residential areas is subject to both state and local regulations designed to ensure public safety. According to New York State law, it is prohibited to discharge a firearm within 500 feet of any dwelling, farm building, or structure that is occupied or in use, unless you are the owner, lessee, an immediate family member, an employee, or have the owner's consent. Read More: Troopers: Upstate NY Man Arrested After Firing Gun in Backyard | 1911 Sales Trump restores the sale of surplus 1911 .45 pistols from the civilian marksmanship program (CMP) after Obama and Biden halted sales. Executive Order President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at strengthening Second Amendment protections Guns Under Age 21 Mixed court cases here. Fifth Circuit Strikes Down Federal Handgun Purchase Ban for Adults Under 21 Prohibiting 18-to-20-year-olds from purchasing handguns at licensed retailers is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court has ruled. A unanimous three-judge panel for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday struck down a combination of federal statutes that restrict licensed firearm dealers from selling pistols to young adults. The panel found that the prohibitory regime violates the Second Amendment. Gun Control Activist David Hogg, 24, Elected Vice Chair of DNC
Lead Ammo New York’s Lee Zeldin was approved as EPA Administrator, this may help with false lead bullet claims and research. ACTION ITEMS: Put your assembly and senate representatives on your cell phone contact list and every time you hear about a second amendment infringement, let them know you don’t approve and need them to vote against it. CLOSING: Thanks for being a member or friend of Saratoga / Capital District SCOPE. I like hearing from you. Feel free to forward articles for the newsletter, especially local stuff to Join SCOPE or Renew here Shooters Committee On Political Education (SCOPE). |