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For a copy of the 2025 NYS Legislative Session Calendar: CLICK HERE

For a printable .pdf of the Top 10 Most Egregious Proposed NYS Firearms Legislation
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New York State Proposed Firearm Legislation 2025

A00929Grants the NY State Attorney General (AG) the power to investigate, prosecute, and seek injunctive relief (stop doing something) for the sale of firearms and / or ammunition to a New York resident without contacting the NY State Police for permission. The AG can bring civil or criminal actions in the NY State courts.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. Aimed at sales conducted outside NY State and violates Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution (the Commerce clause) and the Second Amendment.

A02228/S03562Requires a criminal history background check for the purchase of a 3D printer capable of creating firearms. Prohibits sale of that 3D printer to a person not qualified to obtain a firearm license on the basis of criminal history.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. 3D printers produce many things other than firearms. It is bureaucratic and costly in nature and not reasonable to require everyone to go through a background check in order to own a 3D printer.

S00418/A01774Establishes a class A misdemeanor to procure more than 1 firearm during any period of 30 days.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. Violates the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.

S00658/A04085Requires persons possessing any firearm to hold a firearms safety certificate and establishes application and training processes. Certificate is only good for 2 years and entire process must be repeated to renew the certificate.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. Attempt to increase the cost of buying a firearm by adding a recurring cost every two (2) years, which puts it out of reach of many citizens. Adds more bureaucratic obstacles to exercising 2nd Amendment rights

A00346 – Unlawful for persons under twenty-one (21) to possess firearms.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. Age of majority is the threshold of legal adulthood and is 18 in most states. Joining “we the people” is recognized to happen at 18. One can join the military and fight wars at 18.

S05813Imposes an excise tax of 11% on the sales of firearms, major components and ammunition; establishes the gun violence prevention and school safety fund.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. Increases the cost of buying a firearm to put it out of reach of many citizens. This 11% plus existing federal excise tax of 11% on long guns and 10% on handguns plus 8% sales tax adds at least 29% to the cost.

A03376 Requires liability insurance for owners of firearms, rifles, and shotguns.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. Increases the cost of a firearm. Also, it is very difficult, as best, to buy firearm liability insurance in NY State. Additionally, insurance does not cover illegal acts and criminals won’t take out a policy.

A01210/S00362Establishes a ten (10) day waiting period from contact of the New York State National Instant Background Check System (NYS NICS) before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. Arbitrary. Delays receipt of a firearm. Currently, immediate receipt after NICS approval or three (3) days if no NICS response.

S02158/A03021Requires the division of criminal justice services to establish and maintain a database relating to the sale or use of micro stamped guns in NY and to promulgate regulations regarding the provisions of information pertaining to the sale, delivery or use of such guns within the state.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. It is registration of firearms. Under 2014’s Crime Gun Identification Act, NYS spent $25 million to find out it wasn't effective.

S01358One year after enacted, all pistols or revolvers sold, delivered or transferred at retail must contain a child proofing device or mechanism to effectively preclude an average 5 year old from firing. Violations are a class A misdemeanor. The mechanical device shall include, but not be limited the following: capacity to adjust the trigger resistance to at least a 10 pound pull; capacity to alter the firing mechanism so that an average five year old child's hands are too small to operate it; capacity to require a series of multiple motions in order to fire the pistol or revolver.
SCOPE Position: OPPOSE. Makes gun inaccurate and unusable by adult in an emergency. Existing guns could never be transferred or resold at retail.


A360 Requires a person to apply for a hunting license prior to the purchase of a shotgun or rifle.  Additional requirements for all shotguns and rifles include taking a five hour gun safety course and exam, passing a shooting range test with 90% accuracy, providing notarized proof of a passed drug test and mental health evaluation, providing proof of purchase of ammunition safe storage depositories and passing a criminal background check.

A5817Enhancing sentences for certain offenses involving weapons within 5,000 feet on or near school grounds.

S399/A199A Convertible pistol means any semi-automatic pistol that can be converted into a machine-gun solely by the installation or attachment of a pistol converter.  Any person, dealer, firm, partnership, or corporation who disposes of or who transports or ships as merchandise or who disposes of a convertible pistol is guilty of a class D felony.

* All semi-automatic firearms are potentially convertible into an automatic, even if the technology does not yet exist. 

S4807Relates to limiting the acquisition of a rifle or shotgun to one per ninety-day period.

S227/A1777A person who intentionally sells, distributes, or disposes of a three-dimensional printed firearm is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

S4277The possession of 50 caliber or larger weapons is banned.

S5292Prohibits the sale of a firearm, rifle, shotgun or ammunition on state property including state and county fairgrounds, and county, city and municipal property.  Designates offense as a class A misdemeanor.

S4388Prohibits gun industry members from marketing firearms and firearm related products to minors; excepts instances where marketing is geared toward hunting purposes.

S3385/A1962Establishes violations for the failure to safely store rifles, shotguns, and firearms in the presence of a minor or a prohibited person; repeals certain provisions relating thereto.

S1985Requires police officers to take temporary custody of firearms for not less than one hundred twenty (120) hours when responding to reports of family violence.  (was 48 hours)

S1289/A2084Establishes the office of gun violence prevention and the gun violence advisory council.

S2547Establishes a minimum age to possess a firearm.

S1273 Bans openly carries a rifle or shotgun on or about such person.  “Openly carries" means to carry a rifle or shotgun in a manner that renders such rifle or shotgun, or any portion thereof, visible to others.   Exception for hunting.             

A1920Prohibits entry to gun shows to anyone under twelve years of age.

A5105A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree when such person is not licensed as a gunsmith or a dealer in firearms with intent to manufacture and/or distribute such firearms pursuant to section 400.00 of this chapter and, knowing it is a ghost gun, such person possesses a ghost gun.

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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