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Flip Flopping Away

08/15/2024 10:11 AM | Anonymous

Flip Flopping Away

Tim Walz is the Democrat nominee for Vice President and 2nd Amendment defenders are jumping on him.  Even though the President is the important one in policy decisions, the Vice President should not be forgotten.  So, what the heck, let’s point out Walz’ history with the 2nd Amendment.

Walz once had an A rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA).  The NRA has since changed that to an F.

Walz, who says he was never been a member of the NRA, replied, “I had an A rating from the NRA. Now I get straight F’s. And I sleep just fine.” 

So much for “inclusiveness” when it comes to caring what constituents who are gun owners think!

What changed Walz?

 Walz was a member of the House of Representatives for 12 years, he represented a conservative district that borders Iowa and the district was relatively friendly to guns.

In 2018 when Walz decided to run for Governor of Minnesota, he started pushing anti 2nd Amendment policies.  Could his move leftward had to do with trying to get votes as he moved from a conservative district into a statewide race in a leftist state?

(Note: his running mate seems also inclined to change positions as she changes constituencies.  For instance, she is no longer for single-payer health care, or for defunding the police.  She is now for fracking and more border control.  Not to mention no taxes on tips, but I mentioned it anyway.  Reminds us a lot of Kristin Gillibrand’s “about face” on guns after she fell under Chuck Schumer’s magic spell.)

Walz wrote on Facebook during his run for governor, “I support universal background check legislation, oppose conceal and carry legislation…oppose legislation to reduce restrictions on gun silencers…I will work to ensure that Minnesota passes universal background check legislation…and support additional restrictions that ensure that Minnesota keeps guns out of the hands of dangerous people.”  (Sounds like he has checked most of the anti-2A boxes.) 

You know someone is deeply anti-2A when they are for restrictions on silencers / suppressors.  They don’t know what they are talking but that anti-2A rabbit hole they are going down forces them to say it, anyway.

He pushed an assault weapons ban by saying he wants to ban the guns he carried “in war.” He said: “We can make sure those weapons of war that I carried in war is [sic] the only place that those weapons are at.


As many have pointed out, he has never been in combat or carried any firearm “in war.”  His campaign has now acknowledged this was a misstatement by Walz.  (When a Republican does something like this it is ‘misinformation’ and must be censored to protect delicate ears.)

Kamala Harris told a Philadelphia campaign event that Walz believes: “as the majority of gun owners do, that we need reasonable gun safety laws in America.”  Walz is also portrayed as supporting “common-sense regulation.”

In 2018, Walz in an Op-Ed published by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, wrote about the NRA saying: “…it’s the biggest single obstacle to passing the most basic measures to prevent gun violence in America — including common-sense solutions that the majority of NRA members support.”

It is mandatory that every leftist statement on 2A include “common sense” and “reasonable” when describing their positions.  (Common sense seems to be an uncommon virtue in the left.)

Mr. Walz supports laws like universal background checks and extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws which he believes don’t violate Constitutional protections. Walz also claims that anti-gun laws do not make it more challenging for gun owners to acquire firearms, even though he backs banning certain guns.

It’s a fair statement that Walz has earned his F rating from the NRA.

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

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