One party rule in Albany is going full force in attacking Constitutional Rights! by Bohdan Rabarsky
Legislative bills have a shelf life of two years, ending in even numbered years. Therefore, all gun bills introduced in 2023, expired at the end of 2024. They have to be reintroduced in 2025 as a new bill with a new bill number.
The New York State’s 2025 Legislative Session started on Jan. 8th and it didn’t take long before Democrats in Albany started writing gun bills. Within the first ten session days, they had sponsored 50 gun-related bills.
Like everything in life, not all gun bills are created equal. There are gun bills they actually plan on moving forward through the system, with a chance of making it to the governor's desk to be signed into law.
In other instances, leadership assigns bills to be written by certain legislators, so the legislators can go back to their constituents and show they’re fighting for them. Many of these bills don't have a chance of becoming law, but it makes the Legislator look good.
Though a bill has not passed in the past, in New York State they are still lurking out there and that makes them dangerous. Here’s a couple examples
One of these bills is S1358 sponsored by state Senator Jose Serrano (D-29, New York City). This bill would require all pistols to be equipped with a permanent “Child Proofing Device”. Senator Serrano first sponsored this bill in 2009 and 8 more times since then. Each year the bill was referred to the codes committee or, to put it into baseball terms, it made it to first base and never went any further.
Another bill S418 sponsored by Senator Michael Gianaris (D-12, Fordham Heights). This bill prohibits the purchase of more than 1 firearm during any period of 30 days. Senator Gianaris first sponsored this bill in 2011 and 7 more times since then. This bill was referred to codes, but it never made it past first base.
One thing these two bills have in common is that both are sponsored by Democrat legislators from the New York City area. More than likely, none of the Democrats that have sponsored these gun bills own a gun or have ever held or fired a gun. Come to think of it, almost every unconstitutional gun bill sponsored by a Democrat comes from New York City or one of the surrounding counties.
All legislators take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution, but seem to skip over the 2nd Amendment. Below is a partial list of the Democrats, the districts they represent surrounding New York City and some of the bills they've sponsored.
D-12 Michael Gianaris, New York City S418
Only 1 firearm purchased every 30 days.
D-14 Leroy Comrie, New York City, S2158
D-29 Jose Serrano, New York City, S1358
Firearms not usable by 5year old
D-38 Jenifer Rajkumar, New York City, A2228, A2060
3D printed NICS check and ID #
D-88 Amy Paulin, Scarsdale, A346, A198
Minimum age of 21, waivers
D-81 Jeffrey Dinowitz, Riverdale, A437
Required warnings
D-47 Brad Hoylman-Sigal, Manhattan, S227, S3833
3D Printers and Licensing, dart and stun guns
D-67 Linda Rosenthal, New York City, A1764
Marketing firearms to minors
D-31 Khaleel Anderson, New York City, A3021
D-73 Alex Bores, New York City, A1191
Personalized handguns
D-58 Monique Chandler Waterman, New York City, A2084
Establish office of gun violence prevention
Notice the number of 3D Printer proposed bills. NY City based legislators obviously do not know that every LEGAL firearm must have a certain amount of steel in it (that makes it detectable to a metal detector.) They want to make illegal what is already illegal!