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02/26/2025 9:35 PM | Anonymous


Let’s look at New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s willful failures as well as her intentional and criminal failures. 

Upon taking office Mrs. Hochul pledged the following.  “I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Governor of the State of New York, according to the best of my abilities.

The oath is to support and uphold the Constitution of the United States. Since then, she has often conducted herself contrary to this oath. Let’s look at how she has done this.

She has always supported the NYS Safe Act. The Safe Act is not one law but rather a name given for a series of changes to several different NYS laws, over the years.  None of those changes made a weapon safer to operate, or less dangerous. Firearms only become dangerous in the hands of the wrong person. 

In addition, these changes were mostly cosmetic in nature.  Ban it if it has a bayonet mount or a large capacity magazine or looks like a military weapon, and on-and-on.  In direct contrast to the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, these changes were intended to infringe on the civilian ownership of a weapon and not intended to make society safer. 

Later she formulated an enhanced Safe Act, which included “Red Flag” Laws. These are laws having to do with individuals with criminal histories, histories of domestic violence or others that she deemed unfit to own a firearm.  It might sound good but to accomplish this she had to violate the “Due Process” clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendment.

At that time, she also provided NYS taxpayers’ monies to the NYS Police to create a gun owner registration. This was accomplished by requiring the NYS Police to perform background checks (NICS) on anyone purchasing not only a firearm, but any ammunition.  The ammo provision is a delaying tactic (harassment) that could take from two hours to two weeks (or more) to accomplish.  She also created a fee system to put an extra burden upon the ammo purchaser.

Most importantly, she made a very extensive list of places that she deemed that firearms could not be carried: schools or school events; churches; public events; sporting events; private property; and the list goes on.  In reality, all she did was create free fire zones, with a target rich environment. Anyone who wanted to do a lot of damage would have free reign in these areas. As far as I’m concerned, this was an act of criminal negligence. 

Additionally, she further endangered our children by prohibiting the purchase of any type of body armor or bullet proof vest.  Since it has been a serious crime to wear such an item during the commission of a crime for twenty years of more, this was an unnecessary act and only served to endanger citizens. (A further form of citizen disarmament.) Formerly, parents were able to purchase Kevlar lined backpacks for their children.  They can no longer do that.

With these new laws at her disposal, she still has completely failed in her stated goal: “Public safety is my top priority and I won’t rest until everyone is safe and feels safe in New York State”.  Yet, an individual who was very well known to local police, probation officers, family court, criminal court and the New York State Police, and not one entity met their responsibility.  As a result, this person went to Buffalo NY and shot and killed several people.  Kathy Hochul never took responsibility for her incompetence and the failure of all the laws. Instead, she took less than twenty - four hours to blame the tool (weapon) to promote her agenda. (She always uses her failures to promote more gun restrictions).

During the same time that she has continually violated our 2nd amendment rights, she encouraged places like New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and more, to become sanctuary cities, inviting very dangerous criminals into this state.

A no bail policy was instituted, encouraging these criminals to continue and even escalate in their activities, all in direct violation of the nation’s laws and the laws of NYS. I’ll never understand how a person can be arrested almost forty times and still be on the street.  Apparently, Hochul has no problem with this.

I could go on-and-on about the contract frauds, (which she prevents from being made public,) or the lies connected with solar power - don’t get me started on that subject.

I’ll close and leave you with this thought.  With about five-million-gun owners in this state, more than ever, we need to actively promote our cause, which is the protection of our families and our 2nd Amendment rights - or lose them forever.

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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