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from our SCOPE membership

  • 07/17/2023 9:49 PM | Anonymous

    SUBJECT: 2023 Yearly Banquet Cancellation and Formation of 2024 Planning Committee

    S.C.O.P.E. apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this announcement. 

    It is unfortunate to inform you that, due to unforeseen circumstances, the 2023 yearly banquet has been cancelled. We understand the anticipation and excitement surrounding this event, and we share in the disappointment of its cancellation.

    As we look ahead, we are committed to ensuring a successful State S.C.O.P.E. 2024 banquet, which will be held in late September or early October. We are excited to announce the formation of a dedicated banquet committee that will play a crucial role in organizing and ensuring the success of this important event.

    The 2024 banquet presents us with a unique opportunity to generate tremendous energy, educate the masses, and engage supporters, particularly during the heart of the 2024 election season. Our rights are at stake, and by coming together, we can make a significant impact. The banquet committee will be responsible for various tasks, including determining the territory and selecting a suitable venue, securing compelling guest speakers, planning an informative program, and collaborating on the menu.

    We invite SCOPE members who are passionate about defending our rights and are willing to contribute their time and expertise to join the banquet committee. By volunteering, you will have the opportunity to shape an event that amplifies our message, energizes attendees, and empowers us to protect our 2nd Amendment rights during this critical time.

    If you are interested in volunteering for the banquet committee or have any questions, please reach out to Rich Chapman at Rich will coordinate the committee's efforts and provide further details regarding the planning process.

    While we understand the disappointment of the cancelled 2023 banquet, we remain dedicated to our shared mission and look forward to creating an unforgettable experience at the State S.C.O.P.E. 2024 banquet. Your dedication and support are essential in making a difference.

    Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your understanding as we focus on planning for the future.

    Best regards,

    Rich Chapman

    Capital District / Saratoga County Chapter

  • 07/14/2023 9:33 PM | Anonymous

    Journalism?  by Tom Reynolds

    In Monday’s email, SCOPE spoke about the Philadelphia shooter and emphasized that the media would omit pieces of the story that did not fit their Leftist agenda. 

    While you were reading that email, the Gannett newspaper chain was distributing a story about that killer.  The story took up half of a page and headlined that the killer was agitated and erratic and gave examples such as he paced the floor wearing a bulletproof vest.

    Oh yeah, it did get to add in that he had a “fervor for guns.” He was “armed and not in his right mind.”  (Gun control box checked.)

    The story spent a lot of ink on his mental health issues and talked about the usual call for more attention to people with mental health issues.

    But Gannett couldn’t find room to mention that he put online pictures of himself in a dress.  In the past, that would be a clear indication of a mental health problem but since Joe Biden invites Drag Queens to the White House, the mental health issues seem to have been remarkably cured.

    The story also omitted any reference to the killer being black and his victims probably being black, (since the neighborhood was described as black.)  While Gannett could have corrected the misconception that blacks are mostly killed by whites; actually, the majority of black homicides are committed by blacks.  But doing that would have gone against the Leftist agenda, so there was no chance of that making the article.

    And somehow the story missed that the killer was a Black Lives Matter supporter.  Imagine that!


    There can be no doubt that the Democrat leadership is rabidly anti-2nd Amendment while the Republican leadership, for the most part, is pro 2nd Amendment.  So, SCOPE is sensitive to the efforts to destroy any Republican candidates by the leftist media, like Gannett.

    If you are paying attention to the early presidential candidates, you know that Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor and a 2nd Amendment supporter, is running for president but trails Donald Trump by a huge margin.  Leaving nothing to chance, Gannett tried to drive a few nails into DeSantis’ presidential coffin.  They ran a full page story about how bad things are in Florida under DeSantis.

    The first half-page article started out that DeSantis was “ramping up the state’s speed on capital punishment ahead of the 2024 election” in an attempt “to compete with his rival Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who used the death penalty to execute 13 federal inmates during his last six months in office.”  DeSantis is supposedly doing this “in large part because of his bid for president and to appear tough on crime.”

    Per Gannett, DeSantis is killing people to compete with Donald Trump in killing people in order to get elected president.  Before this article, who knew that there was a race on?  

    The other half of the page was headlined, Asian Americans Feel Targeted by (Voting) Laws.

    And guess what governor signed a law that was causing this distress?  Hint: the state is directly south of Georgia and Alabama.

    Oh yeah, that other big Red state, Texas, also came under fire for raising the penalty for illegal voting to a felony.

    And Sunday’s Gannett op-ed had and editorial by a USA Today (Gannett) columnist titled: As GOP primary race heats up, it’s fearmongering season.  The piece isn’t worth commenting on but you can easily imagine what it said.


    Why are we spending time on non 2nd Amendment issues?

    First, these are the anti-2A people in the media that are doing this.  If they win, 2A loses.

    Generations of Americans have been propagandized by the government run school systems, the media and the entertainment industry.  As we head into next year’s presidential election, we can expect to see subtle stories, as above, that paint conservative candidates in the worst possible light, either by inclusion or omission.  We have to fight back and get the truth out.  If we do nothing, those that have been propagandized will never hear the truth and fall in line, just as the left wants them.

  • 07/12/2023 9:43 PM | Anonymous

    S.C.O.P.E. Legal Update July, 2023

    Schuyler County’s SCOPE Chapter publishes a Legal Update each month.  Here is a look at the laws that were proposed and those that passed during this year’s NY State legislative session. 

    Present and past monthly updates are available on SCOPE’s website under Schuyler Chapter page.

    S.C.O.P.E. Shooters Committee On Political Education - Schuyler County (

    New York: 2023 Legislative Session Ends in Albany

    While New Yorkers were snoozing last [month], multiple gun bills passed. Fortunately, most of those bills only cleared one chamber, but not the other. In order to become law, the legislation has to be approved by both chambers and signed by the Governor.

    So what happened this year? The Assembly passed A.2084A which bans lead ammunition during the taking of game on state lands. The Senate companion bill remained in committee. The Senate passed several of its own bills without the Assembly companion bill being adopted. The Senate approved a 10-day waiting period on all firearm transfers by a vote of 42-19, but that legislation stalled in committee on the Assembly side. Several other bills had the same outcome:

    • S.1892, which added ammunition to the list of items prohibited from being purchased or destroyed by those convicted of certain crimes, passed the Senate but did not advance beyond committee in the Assembly.

    • S.2102 allows law enforcement to take temporary custody of firearms when called to domestic disputes. Again, the Senate adopted the bill without Assembly floor action.

    • S.6980A is a child access prevention bill that mandates the dissemination of materials. New York already has a storage law, but this bill mandates the posting of loaded propaganda. It shared the same outcome as the previous two bills.

    • Finally, S.138 was a terrible bill, which would have moved the certification of firearm instructors away from the NRA, to a state agency. The bill sponsor, Sen. Sean Ryan provided a telling justification for the bill. According to this anti-gun Senator, “The NRA has a monopoly on firearm training in New York. This bill will revoke that privilege from the chief opponent of our state’s gun laws.” That shocking admission translates into the real purpose behind the bill – political payback.

    New York continues to push gun control. Incredibly, what we did not see this session was any sort of an attempt to fix New York’s soft-on-crime criminal justice system or bail reform. Again, that is because this is about politics and not public safety.

    Here is the list of relevant gun control bills which passed this session:

    • A-2209/S-816, Makes clarifying changes to the definition of imitation weapon.

    • A-5092/S-4879, Provides that the legislative body of the county of Westchester shall fix the fee to be charged for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver and provide for the disposition of such fees. • A-5791A/S-6238A, Defines the term mass shooting for purposes of emergency response measures and access to emergency funding.

    • A-5835/S-3436, Exempts applications for an Extreme Risk Protection Order from requiring an index number fee.

    New (proposed) legislation strives to combat ghost guns in NYC

    Rep. Ritchie Torres says the bill is an effort to get ghost guns off of the street while expanding gun-free school zones. The legislation would also go further than current regulations, ultimately requiring manufacturers of ghost gun kits to be licensed under the Gun Control Act.

    New York to propose legislation criminalizing printing ghost guns at home

    New York will try to make it a crime to print a gun at home.

    Lawmakers are responding to a surge in gun crimes committed with untraceable firearms, known as ghost guns, increasingly being created using a 3D printer.

    Under current New York law, someone who possesses or distributes a 3D printed gun can be charged with a misdemeanor.  A proposed new law would make it a felony to manufacture a gun using a 3D printer.

    For educational and discussion purposes only. Not intended as legal advice.

  • 07/10/2023 8:53 PM | Anonymous

    Kennedy on Kamala  by Tom Reynolds

    Fox News’ Trace Gallager had Senator John Kennedy as his guest this past Friday.  The subject of Vice President Kamala Harris’ garbling of words came up.  Kennedy pointed to her horrid poll numbers and suggested that her history of word salad responses may be partly to blame.  (Not to mention being associated with the multiple leftist failures of the Biden administration.)

    Kennedy said, “She’s struggling for a couple of reasons. Number one, she doesn’t appear to be prepared. Number two, no matter how well-prepared you are, you have to be able to express yourself. And with respect, I would say the vice president needs to work on being a little more articulate. Some…might say that based on her performances, that English is not her first, second, third, or even fourth language.”

    Kennedy went on to say that Harris appears to stumble when she tries to “sound smart.”  (Kennedy knows how to use a knife in the sweetest southern accent!)

    “But number three, you know, I think sound advice for anyone, politician or not, is always be yourself unless you suck. If you suck, have enough self-awareness to know you suck…”  (Or as Winston Churchill said more eloquently, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”  Of course, you have to be aware that you are in a hole.)    

    Kennedy continued: “And I just don’t get the impression that the vice president is–she’s not being herself. She’s trying to sound smart instead of just saying what she believes and saying it in a clear articulate manner that the average American who’s busy can understand.”  (Even the average American who is NOT busy has trouble translating her words into understandable English.)


    Some examples of “Kamal Speak:”

    "We invested an additional $12 billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the community…" 

    "When we talk about the children of the community, they are the children of the community.”

    "Culture is — it is a reflection of our moment and our time. Right? And present culture is the way we express how we're feeling about the moment and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know…it comes in the morning."

    "We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too."

    "So I think it's very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future."

    "We also recognize just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic." 

    "I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled."

    We've got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to take this seriously." 

    YouTuber “Ranting Monkey” summarized Harris’ oratorical ability: "Kamala will go down in history as the most quotable woman to even be a woman who makes quotes about quotes a woman might quote."

    Whenever I hear someone talk about impeaching Joe Biden I remind them of who is the Vice President.

  • 07/06/2023 1:01 PM | Anonymous

    Philadelphia Shooting  by Tom Reynolds

    About 8:30 p.m. on Monday, a killer opened fire on a street in a southwest Philadelphia neighborhood, killing five people and injuring two others.  It’s estimated 50 shots were fired.

    The killer allegedly used an AR-15-style weapon and a 9mm handgun, wore body armor and a ski mask.  He may have randomly targeted victims. Police chased and cornered the suspect in an alley and took the suspect into custody.

    He faces more than 30 criminal charges, including five counts of murder, five counts of attempted murder, 10 counts of assault, 10 counts of recklessly endangering another person, and four counts of weapons charges.

    Various sources reported that the suspect has a criminal history that includes a 2003 arrest for possession of a weapon without a license, carrying a firearm in public, and drug possession. The suspect later pled guilty to possessing a firearm without a license and received three years' probation.  The other charges were dropped.

    All that’s probably not news as those facts would be a part of almost every news article.

    Some things that are not to be mentioned:

    He’s obviously not an ex-marine since that was not mentioned.

    He’s obviously not a member of the NRA since that membership was not mentioned.

    So, who is he?  Don’t count on the main stream media to tell you that.  In fact, count on this story disappearing.


    The suspect was originally identified as a 40-year-old male named Kimbrady Carriker.  According to the New York Post, just three months ago, the suspect posted pictures of ‘himself’ on social media wearing women's clothing. 

    On his Facebook page, Carriker posted pictures of armed protesters dressed as Black Panthers taken at a 2020 Atlanta protest. He posted: “Me at BLM protest.”

    There was also a meme featuring photos of actor Wesley Snipes in movies dressed as the drag queen “Noxeema” Above Snipes as Noxeema, he posted, “Me at pride.”

    Philadelphia officials previously used he/him pronouns for the suspect during a Tuesday news conference.  Now, a spokesperson for the Philadelphia district attorney’s office told CNN that the office is using they/them pronouns to refer to the suspect based on “information we have at this time.” 

    And if sexual orientation issues are not enough to kill the story, a killer posting in support of Black Lives Matter will bury it deeper than six feet.

    Aol.’s website reported that DA Larry Krasner said Carriker was carrying a “ghost gun” (but doesn’t explain what the “ghost gun” was.) It’s also reported that the DA says there is reason to believe that both that firearm and the AR-15 “may have been obtained illegally”.

    But the DA also want’s stricter gun laws so illegal gun users have more opportunity to be illegal gun users.

    The DA also said that getting to the bottom of the source of the weapon will take time, “because the NRA has done a hell of a job trying to make it difficult for people to investigate the source of a weapon.”

    In the best traditions of the leftist media, Aol. managed to include ”ghost gun” and take a shot (figuratively speaking) at the NRA, even though they have nothing to do with the crime.  At the same time, they completely missed the sexual orientation and the Black Lives Matter story.

    Oh yeah, there was a second shooter who police believe also opened fire on the scene.  On Tuesday, police announced that this second individual was firing back at Carriker in self-defense.  No coverage of this and if this shooter may have saved lives by shooting back. 

  • 07/05/2023 2:17 PM | Anonymous

    Free Speech  by Tom Reynolds

    Legal Insurrection’s web site posted this article.  Although it is about free speech, it should be obvious to anyone not living in a cave that the Biden administration (and Blue states in general like New York) have weaponized the power of the government against those that dare oppose it (such as conservatives.)  This weaponization flies directly in the face of the Bill of Rights which are not an add-on to the Constitution but ARE the Constitution.

    In Blue states, the only remedy is the power of the judiciary to enforce the Constitution on those that would ignore it.  This case shows that there is hope.

    Without Free Speech, how will we be able to spread the truth about guns and the 2nd Amendment.

    Per Legal Insurrection: We previously have covered the lawsuit brought by Missouri and Louisiana against the Biden administration regarding collusion with big tech platforms to silence mostly conservative voices.

    After extensive pre-trial proceedings, the federal District Court has issued a Preliminary Injunction prohibiting further collusion. The Memorandum Decision is 155 pages. Most of it consists of extensive findings of fact and evidence of the collusion. Here are the key summary parts from the introduction and conclusion (emphasis added):

    This case is about the Free Speech Clause in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The explosion of social-media platforms has resulted in unique free speech issues— this is especially true in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history. In their attempts to suppress alleged disinformation, the Federal Government, and particularly the Defendants named here, are alleged to have blatantly ignored the First Amendment’s right to free speech.

    Although the censorship alleged in this case almost exclusively targeted conservative speech, the issues raised herein go beyond party lines….

    The Plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits in establishing that the Government has used its power to silence the opposition. Opposition to COVID-19 vaccines; opposition to COVID-19 masking and lockdowns; opposition to the lab-leak theory of COVID-19; opposition to the validity of the 2020 election; opposition to President Biden’s policies; statements that the Hunter Biden laptop story was true; and opposition to policies of the government officials in power. All were suppressed. It is quite telling that each example or category of suppressed speech was conservative in nature. This targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoint discrimination of political speech. American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country.

    Although this case is still relatively young, and at this stage the Court is only examining it in terms of Plaintiffs’ likelihood of success on the merits, the evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.”721

    721 An “Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’” refers to the concept presented in George Orwell’s dystopian novel, ‘1984.’ In the novel, the Ministry of Truth is a governmental institution responsible for altering historical records and disseminating propaganda to manipulate and control public perception.

    The Plaintiffs have presented substantial evidence in support of their claims that they were the victims of a far-reaching and widespread censorship campaign. This court finds that they are likely to succeed on the merits of their First Amendment free speech claim against the Defendants. Therefore, a preliminary injunction should issue immediately against the Defendants as set out herein.

    The Plaintiffs Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Doc. No. 10] is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART.

    The Plaintiffs’ request to certify this matter as a class action pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. Article 23(b)(2) is DENIED.

  • 06/28/2023 12:52 PM | Anonymous

    On Monday, SCOPE wrote about Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal on gun felonies.  If you thought that Joe Biden’s approach to crime was hypocritical - as well as odd – on August 1, 2022, the White House web site highlighted another aspect of Biden’s “Safer America Plan.”

    Stores are leaving major cities where DA’s and mayors are more concerned about criminals than victims and stopping crime is not a priority.  Nordstrom, Walmart, Whole Foods, Starbucks, CVS are a few examples of major chains deserting crime ridden cities.  And not just retailers.  Chicago lost corporate headquarters for Caterpillar, Tyson Foods, Boeing and Citadel (a $51 billion hedge fund.) 

    So, what does Biden want to do about it?  Actually, nothing.  He wants online marketplaces such as Amazon to solve the crime problem and do a better job of policing goods being ‘fenced’ on their web sites.

    Here is what the White House says: “To tackle organized retail theft, the plan calls on Congress to pass legislation to require online marketplaces, such as Amazon, to verify third-party sellers’ information, and to impose liability on online marketplaces for the sale of stolen goods on their platforms.”

    CNN disagrees with Biden (as well as every credible news agency in the world.)  CNN believes the reason stores are leaving these cities is not crime but – there are too many stores; “a glut.”

    Well, CNN’s problem will solve itself.  


    On June 16th, Biden made a speech at the University of Hartford where he continued to show his confusion about crime and gun control and almost everything else.

    In praising the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, (BSCA) Biden claimed his “son was the first to enforce ‘Red Flag’ laws when he was Attorney General of Delaware.”  Delaware enacted its “red flag” law in 2018.  His son, Beau Biden, died in 2015.

    Biden also claimed that the BSCA made “straw purchases” illegal.  Purchasing a firearm for someone else who is prohibited from purchasing a firearm has been illegal for decades, as has misrepresenting who is the real buyer.

    Whoever writes his speeches needs to get in touch with reality.  Biden further defended the BSCA by saying: “And in most cities — down in Philadelphia and New York, areas I know well — like up here — you’d see a truck pull up, pull to the curb, and selling weapons — selling guns, selling AR-15.  Selling weapons.” 

    Crime may be out of control in those cities but pulling to the curb and selling AR-15’s out of a truck would be a bridge-too far, even in those cities, since unlicensed firearms dealing was illegal before the BSCA.

    It’s surprising that Biden didn’t accuse “Corn pop” of doing the weapons selling.

    And Biden was only getting warmed up!

    The BSCA, “Put a pistol on a brace, and it…turns into a gun.”

    I thought a pistol was a gun even before a stabilizing brace was attached to it?

    Then he added that stabilizing braces, “Makes them where you can have a higher-caliber weapon — a higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun.”

    A stabilizing brace changes the caliber of the weapon?  Does Biden have even a clue about what he is saying? 

    Bided closed by saying, God save the Queen, man.”  He could not have been referring to Queen Elizabeth, who died nine months earlier.  Was he referring to drag queens as this is their “pride month” and would explain adding ‘man’ at the end?”

    It’s scary that politicians pass laws about things they know nothing about.

    Remember when he said: “there can be no more than eight bullets in a round?” Or when he said “…nobody says you can have a magazine with 100 clips in it.”

    Actually, all known technology says you can’t have eight bullets in a round or 100 clips in a magazine.


    And when it comes to self-deception about guns (or just about anything else), NY’s Governor Kathy Hochul ranks with Biden. 

    In a video her office posted on Twitter, she said, “A year ago today, the Supreme Court ruled to strip away the rights of a governor to protect her people from concealed carry weapons.”

    “We refused to go backwards.”

    Actually, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that governors must act within the confines of the law, otherwise known as the United States Constitution.  That’s what really ticked off Hochul.

    SCOTUS did NOT take away the governor’s power to protect stores from being robbed, people from being assaulted on subways or the power to prosecute criminals and keep them in jail.  Hochul would rather take away the constitutional right to protect oneself with a gun than protect ‘her people’ from those crimes. 

    “Her people’.  Doesn’t that sound like something a queen would say? Perhaps Biden was referring to Hochul?

    Luckily for criminals, SCOTUS’ ruling did not affect the criminals’ ability to illegally carry guns and use them against the citizens that Hochul would disarm. 

    Can you imagine if aliens landed and said “take me to your leaders.”  Enter Biden with Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg by his side.  Perhaps Hochul and Gavin Newsome standing behind them.  Mankind would be toast!  The problem is, even without aliens entering the picture, we’re in trouble.

  • 06/26/2023 9:10 AM | Anonymous

    Biden on Background Checks  by Tom Reynolds

    Joe Biden is a big believer that increased background checks are the answer to fighting violence.  For example, the BBC web site reported on March 15th, 2022 that Joe Biden said:

    "It's just common sense…check whether someone is a violent felon, a domestic abuser, before they buy a gun."

    Per the White House web site on August 1, 2022:

    “On March 24th, 2022, Biden signed into law the NICS Denial Notification Act…requires federal officials to notify state and local law enforcement when individuals who are legally prohibited from purchasing firearms fail a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).”

    In June, the President signed into law the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which will help keep dangerous guns out of dangerous hands. For example…it requires enhanced background checks for gun purchasers under the age of 21. 

    On August 1, 2022, Joe Biden introduced his crown jewel, the “Safer America Plan.” The White House said about it:

    “We need to enforce our commonsense gun laws, require background checks for all gun sales …”

    “Keep guns out of dangerous hands. The federal gun background check system is the best tool we have to keep guns out of the hands of people currently prohibited under federal law from purchasing these weapons…”

    Biden has repeated these sentiments many times in many places but it’s best to quote the White House web site so there can be no denials.  Nothing taken out-of-context.  Straight from the horse’s…mouth.

    I will bet you can guess where this is going.

    Form 4473 — the Firearm Transaction Record —must be filled out whenever someone buys a firearm from a licensed firearm dealer.  The form asks questions including whether the person buying the gun is addicted to drugs.

    Hunter Biden purchased a handgun in October 2018.  To buy it, he had to lie on Form 4473 about being a drug addict or his request would have been denied.

    How do we know he was a drug addict?

    In 2021 he wrote a book saying that he was actively using cocaine in 2018.  In addition, Biden had been discharged from the Navy Reserve for drug use.

    Federal law prohibits people who use drugs from possessing firearms.   The US Attorney in Delaware David Weiss’ office said "…Hunter Biden possessed a firearm despite knowing he was an unlawful user of and addicted to a controlled substance."

    Hunter Biden should be facing a felony gun charge for illegal possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. Lying on Form 4473 is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. For being a user of unlawful drugs in possession of a firearm, the punishment is up to five years.

    However, as has been reported about Hunter Biden’s deal with the Justice Department,  Biden will avoid prosecution and potentially have it dismissed as part of the agreement with the Justice Department.  Biden has reportedly agreed to enter a pretrial diversion program for that charge, meaning the charge will be dropped as long as he follows the conditions of the agreement.  (Eew!  A pretrial diversion program!  Doesn’t that fall under the definition of cruel and unusual punishment?)

    Can we expect those hard fact newspapers like the Washington Post (I joke) to ask Joe Biden questions like: what good is a law if it is not enforced?  Doesn’t it set a bad example to let the President’s son slide on a felony with a slap on the wrist?  What message does that send to other drug addicts who want to buy a gun, legally?  (Illegally it’s not an issue.)

    But we can expect the Washington Post (WP) to provide cover for Brandon.  How do we know?  Because they already tried on June 9th 2022.

    First, the WP seems to question why drug addiction is even a disqualifying action.  (Only a leftist newspaper could wonder about that.)  It answers: “The reason for adding drug users to the list is a bit obscure.”

    But then it provides a possible answer which you will never guess – if you have been living in a cave.  It hints that the reason drug use was included as prohibited was…drum roll please…racism.  Who would have guessed!

    But the WP wasn’t finished in throwing up a smoke screen.  “…the odds of being charged for lying on this form are virtually nonexistent.”  Nonexistent?  According to WP’s own report, data extracted from the U.S. attorneys’ case management system shows that, for fiscal 2018 there were 444 referrals for lying on Form 4473 and 271 cases filed (61%).  In the 2019 there were 478 referrals and 298 cases filed (62%).  In 2020 there were 433 referrals and 243 cases filed (56%).  So, there is better than a 50-50 chance one will be prosecuted.

    But the WP seems to believe that the DOJ and FBI are too busy.  They are “Keeping guns out of the hands of people who already have committed heinous crimes is probably a higher priority…”  Yeah, heinous stuff like storing documents behind Secret Service protection in Mar A Lago.

    It should be noted that everyone in the Department of Justice works for Attorney General Merrick Garland and Garland works for President Joe Biden.  The White House announced, "The President and First Lady love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life.”  Although Joe loves Hunter, both Garland and Biden claim all the decisions concerning Hunter were made at lower levels and Garland and Joe Biden had no input. 

    The White House has also announced that in a budget balancing effort they will be selling a bridge in Brooklyn.

  • 06/19/2023 12:47 PM | Anonymous

    Gun Control Studies  by Tom Reynolds

    On June 13th, Ammoland had an article entitled, “Is Gun Control Making Vermont less Safe.”  It answered its question by concluding, “Vermont’s gun control measures had no salutary impact whatsoever in the already peaceful jurisdiction.”

    But how it got to that conclusion was an interesting path since it dealt with whether or not many of the academic studies on gun control – or anything else in the social science realm – have much validity.

    It concluded that “…different researchers presented with the same exact data will come to wildly different conclusions.”  Oops. 

    How did it reach that conclusion?

    In a 2022 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences*, the authors assembled 161 researchers in 73 teams and provided them with the same data and hypothesis to be tested. 

    The authors reported: “Results from our controlled research…demonstrate that analyzing the same hypothesis with the same data can lead to substantial differences in statistical estimates and substantive conclusions. In fact, no two teams arrived at the same set of numerical results or took the same major decisions during data analysis.”  (Emphasis added.)

    Gee whiz.  Does that mean that, ”Much of social science is of dubious value, even before trying to account for political bias.”

    Following that path, in 2022, Reason magazine exposed almost all “gun violence” social science as junk science.

    “Drawing on the expertise of statistician and New York University and University of California at San Diego instructor Aaron Brown and a 2020 analysis by the RAND Corporation, the video**  explained that the vast majority of gun violence research is not conducted in a manner sufficient to offer meaningful conclusions. An article accompanying the video, written by Brown and Reason Producer Justin Monticello, noted, a 2020 analysis by the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit research organization, parsed the results of 27,900 research publications on the effectiveness of gun control laws. From this vast body of work, the RAND authors found only 123 studies, or 0.4 percent, that tested the effects rigorously.” (Emphasis added.)

    Reason and Brown then examined those remaining 123 studies from the RAND analysis and offered the following,

    “We took a look at the significance of the 123 rigorous empirical studies and what they actually say about the efficacy of gun control laws.”

    “The answer: nothing.”

    “ The 123 studies that met RAND’s criteria may have been the best of the 27,900 that were analyzed, but they still had serious statistical defects, such as a lack of controls, too many parameters or hypotheses for the data, undisclosed data, erroneous data, misspecified models, and other problems.”

    “The gun issue aside, the problems inherent in the type of modeling presented here, the academy’s obvious political bias, and the replication crisis*** have led to increasing doubts about whether large swathes of the social sciences have any value at all.”

    Then there are ‘Fact Checkers’ who claim to tell us what is true and what is false (without letting their personal biases enter into their analysis).

    On June 13, 2023, The Washington Free Beacon ran an article about the political donations of self-identified fact checkers.  It used federal campaign finance disclosures over the past four election cycles.  It found that, “$22,580 of the $22,683 in political donations that came from self-identified fact checkers during that time—a whopping 99.5 percent—went to Democrats and liberal groups. Only three of the fact checker donations made during that period went to Republicans.” 

    Luckily, Democrats never let their political biases enter into their analyses. (Sarcasm intended.)

    So, how do everyday gun owners make sense of what is true and what is junk science?

    You could do what the Left does and read the NY Times and Washington Post and listen to CNN and MSNBC.  (Just kidding.) 

    The answer is that you can be very skeptical, research the subject and use your common sense.  The tough part is researching since that will take time.  SCOPE and many 2A defender organizations often print rebuttals to misinformation but there is so much of it ‘out there’ the best approach is a rule-of-thumb: the Left believes that everything and anything – including lying - justifies their march to power and control.  

     Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of   uncertainty,

    **  See this video explainer on the topic.

    ***  The replication crisis is an ongoing methodological crisis in which the results of many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to reproduce. Such failures undermine the credibility of theories building on them.

  • 06/15/2023 11:25 AM | Anonymous

    Florida  by Tom Reynolds

    We are all aware of the huge difference between a ‘red’ and a ‘blue’ state.  A recent court case in Florida brings that home.

    Richard Burns engaged in a verbal confrontation with a tree-cutting crew in his front yard. A crew member made sexual gestures toward his fiancée and another crew member threatened his dogs with a chainsaw.  Burns demanded the crew leave.  When they refused, he retrieved a handgun and while in his front yard he chambered a round. He held the handgun at his side and again demanded the tree-cutting crew leave his front yard.

    Burns was charged with aggravated assault.

    Burns cited Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law, but lost.

    Burns appealed the decision.

    A three-judge panel of the Fourth District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida heard the appeal and unanimously found that loading and openly carrying a firearm in a person’s own yard is NOT use of deadly force and is protected conduct under the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

    The court’s rationale:

    Richard Burns did NOT point his handgun at anyone.  The mere display of a firearm is NOT the use of deadly force.

    The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of law-abiding, responsible citizens to use arms in defense of hearth and home.

    Florida law against open carry does NOT apply to a person’s home or place of business.

    Even if Burns had NOT been on his home property, it would have been lawful for him to “briefly and openly display” his firearm in anticipation of possibly needing to use it for his and his fiancée’s protection during his confrontation with the tree-cutting crew.

    Once Richard Burns told the tree-cutting crew to leave, and they refused, they became trespassers. The trespass and the threat to his dogs also justified his actions.

    One can only imagine what would have happened if similar circumstances had happened in New York State.

    Florida may or may not appeal the decision.  New York would undoubtably appeal the decision, just as it has appealed decisions declaring the Concealed Carry Improvement Act to be unconstitutional, even though the CCIA is undoubtably unconstitutional.

    Unfortunately, the Florida decision does not apply to New York.  On the other hand, it is fortunate that similar courts’ decisions in New York do not apply to Florida.

    Speaking of ‘red’ versus ‘blue’ states…

    On August 28, 2022, Breitbart News noted Gabby Giffords’ gun control group was urging major credit companies to flag gun and ammunition purchases via the new Merchants’ Code.

    On August 30 Breitbart News noted Democrat New York lawmakers were urging major credit card companies to create and use the same new firearms-specific code.

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed legislation that prohibits credit card companies from tracking gun sales in Florida. His office posted an announcement to the Florida Governor’s home page saying, “Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill (SB) 7054 and SB 214 to protect the personal finances of Floridians from government overreach and woke corporate monitoring…SB 214 prohibits credit card companies from using firearm-specific Merchant Category Codes and institutes a fine for violations of Florida’s consumer protections against gun owner registries.”

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for DeSantis’ actions to be followed in NY State.

    Speaking of Gabby Gifford’s anti-gun activities..

    According to that pesky United States Constitution, Amendment VI, which has been around for 232 years, says: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall…have the assistance of Counsel for his defense.”

    Even TV shows, the lowest form of semi-intelligent life, know about this.  Anyone who has seen a TV cop show knows that criminals are advised of their right to counsel. 

    What if there were no lawyers?  (Stop applauding!)  To be more specific, what if there were no defense lawyers to provide “Counsel for the defense?”

    Gabby Giffords Courage to Fight Gun Violence and Michael Bloomberg’s March for Our Lives gun control groups are canvassing campuses to convince law students to sign a pledge they won’t represent the firearm industry or firearm owners when it comes to protecting and preserving Second Amendment rights.

    The gun control groups’ pledge peddles verifiably false claims to convince the aspiring lawyers that the firearm industry – not criminals - is responsible for violent crime in America. They’re blaming the industry for crimes committed by violent offenders and ignoring basic legal foundations in order to sway law students to deny legal services to companies and individuals that follow the law.

    This effort is not restricted to the anti 2nd Amendment.

    In his book, Get Trump, Alan Dershowitz writes: “…the Get Trump campaign is also out to get his lawyers and anyone associated with him. The targeting of his lawyers is especially troubling, since it implicates the Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel.  Good lawyers are understandably afraid of becoming the subjects of criminal or bar investigation, if they dare to defend Trump.”

    The Constitution and especially its Bill of Rights will forever be an obstacle to be worked around by the left in its search for power and control.

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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