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How Marijuana Legalization Might Affect YOU

05/04/2021 11:35 PM | Anonymous

Is there more to the legalization of Marijuana than you thought?

The federal government still does not recognize marijuana as a legal drug to consume, no matter what NY or any other state passes at their level.  So how could this effect you?

When applying for a pistol permit or purchase of a gun you must disclose if you are a regular user of marijuana to the ATF.  If you check yes, then that municipality or gun dealer has to deny your purchase based on federal guidelines according to Section 922 (g)(3) of title 18 of US Code.  If you lie on this form you could face federal penalties up to 10 years in prison. 

This also means your already licensed gun isn’t legal if you are a marijuana consumer. The ATF specifies that a marijuana consumer cannot legally own a gun. The federal government states that a user of a controlled substance may not own a gun or ammunition.

So is this simply a way in the backdoor to limit 2nd Amendment rights of New Yorkers? Could the ATF be knocking on your door to take away your firearms? I would put my money on yes.

This is not a debate on the legalization of marijuana, but a warning to show you how the state democrats can limit your Right to Bear Arms if you chose to partake in what is now legal in New York.  Please pay attention to what is happening in Albany, what may appear as progressive government could actually be taking away your rights and freedoms.  

—Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I  D-147)

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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