Anti 2A bills in New York State by Tom Reynolds
Every year, legislators draft bills that have little or no chance of becoming laws, but the legislator wants to send a message to some part of their voting constituency. In the past, SCOPE has not been concerned about many past proposed bills but since the Democrats control both houses of the legislature and the governorship, we cannot take anything for granted. We are seeing at both the national and state level how radical some politicians have become and the NY legislatures are no exceptions.
The anti-2nd Amendment politicians in NY State have been busy putting forth bills. So many, that we have not had a chance to write in detail about many of them. However, you need to know what is “out there”, even if only a summary.
Below is a list of bills in the New York Senate and Assembly. An “A” in the bill number indicates an Assembly bill and an “S” indicates a Senate bill. Since a bill must pass in both the Senate and Assembly, those with both an “A” and an “S” are the most dangerous since “companion” bills have been proposed in both houses. These are shown in the first group.
The second group (with only an “A”) are Assembly only bills and the third group (with only an “S”) are Senate only bills. These may eventually get a companion bill but not as of this writing.
Bills go through committees and we show you which committees to which the bills are currently referred. There is also a short description of each bill under the bill number.
SCOPE encourages you to contact your legislators about those bills with both an “A” and “S”. (And others if you are so motivated.)