Cuomo and North by Tom Reynolds
If you are a gun owner in New York State, at times you feel like you are alone. Your government at the state and federal level is against you and the media treats you like poison.
Once in awhile there is a cause to celebrate and the downfall of 2nd Amendment enemy #1, Andrew Cuomo, certainly qualifies – if for whatever reason. We don’t know what the future holds but we shouldn’t miss the chance to enjoy the moment. Join us at the SCOPE banquet on October 16th in Utica and join with your fellow gun defenders in celebration of Cuomo’s exit.
At the SCOPE banquet, Lt. Colonel Oliver North will be the main speaker and will be available before the banquet for personal interaction. You may have noticed that he is popping up on many TV news programs for interviews and commentary on the situation in Afghanistan. He certainly qualifies from his experience with major international incidents while in Ronald Reagan’s White House.
October 16th will be the chance to hear from North at a most opportune time. Join us.