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It pays to commit crimes

10/29/2021 9:32 PM | Anonymous

It pays to commit crimes  by Tom Reynolds

If you thought the Biden Administration was busy with using the proper gender pronouns, passing huge spending bills and attacking 2nd Amendment rights…there is always time for more.

On October 28th, the Wall Street Journal reported that the several agencies of the Biden administration (Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services) are working to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of illegal immigrant parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.  In their lawsuits, border crossers allege that their separation from the children they arrived with at the U.S.-Mexico border spurred mental health issues and trauma that they have struggled to overcome.

Lawyers for the border crossers want around $3.4 million per family unit.  But the Biden administration is fighting for your tax payer dollars (Sarcasm intended.)  Biden only wants to pay illegal immigrant families $450,000 a person or about $1 million per family. (Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child.)

The final numbers could shift.

The Journal further reports that, “…a Department of Homeland Security attorney involved in the settlement talks complained on a conference call that the payouts could amount to more than some families of 9/11 victims received... The 9/11 victim compensation fund averaged awards to the dead of around $2 million, tax-free…the administrator of the fund has said”.

Senior departmental officials disputed the 9/11 comparison because the U.S. government hadn’t been responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.  (With a payout like this, there will be no doubt that the US government will be responsible for future illegal immigrants’ trauma since $450,000 a person is certainly an invitation to illegal immigration.)

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said it well in a statement, “It would be unthinkable to pay damages to a burglar who broke into your home for the ‘psychological trauma’ they endured during the crime…And yet the Biden administration wants to reward migrants who illegally entered our country with up to $450,000 each for just that reason.”

Obviously, this is controversial.

If you believe it is the correct move, it’s likely that Democrat Senators Schumer and Gillibrand will favor this – at some payment level – and I am sure they would be encouraged to follow through on it if they hear from you.  Democrat President Biden might also like to hear from you.

If you do not favor this, you might want to contact Schumer and Gillibrand and Biden and your Congressperson and let them know the government has gone bat shit crazy...or words to that effect.

And if you think that Conservatives and 2A supporters are on the outside looking in, it was reported that four of the top ten songs on itunes are versions of “Let’s Go Brandon”.  It’s probable that the majority of itunes users are the younger generation who tend to be Democrats, so there may be a message there as to the popularity of Biden’s programs.  Based on their above efforts on immigration, it seems to be a message that Biden is ignoring.

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