Suicide Bomber in the White House by Tom Reynolds
What’s the difference between a Suicide Bomber and Joe Biden? A Suicide Bomber only gets one chance at causing destruction but Joe Biden tries over and over and over.
It would be hard for anyone to deny that Biden’s policies, both here and abroad, have been failures. But don’t believe me, check every political poll that’s been taken in the past few months; well over the majority of Americans believe Biden has been a failure. And if you don’t believe the polls, check out the headlines for further evidence of his failures.
Faced with policy failures and what seems like a coming disastrous November election for Biden’s party, a change in direction would be appropriate. Not Joe – or whoever is actually running the country. He’s / they’re doubling down on their anti-2A policies.
During the last two years, record numbers of gun purchases were made in America. The 2nd Amendment is back in style. Ignoring this movement, Biden, earlier, nominated David Chipman, who is a fiercely anti-2A zealot, to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). Sentiment was so strong against this anti-2A nominee that Biden eventually withdrew the nomination.
Wouldn’t it make more political and common sense to nominate someone who is non-political and will not try to force anti-2A regulations on the American people; just follow the law, not try to write it. Not Biden! He’s doubling down by nominating someone who is described as equally as anti-2A as Chipman.
But before we get to the nominee, a few words about Biden. At a recent bill signing celebration he said, “…it’s going to sound bizarre, I support the Second Amendment”. Obviously, Joe is as confused about his 2nd Amendment policies as he is about all his other policies.
But is he confused or he can’t stop lying? During his State of the Union Address, he said, “Repeal the liability shield that makes gun manufacturers the only industry in America that can’t be sued”. That statement’s a lie! What he is referring to is the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) that protects gun makers from frivolous lawsuits, but not from the common liability suits that can be brought against gun manufacturers as well as almost all other manufacturers. So, gun manufacturers can be sued, but not frivolously.
At that same bill signing where he claims to be pro 2A, Biden got cleverer about the way he phrases that infamous remark. He said that gun manufacturers “have more immunity than any other American industry”. Technically, that’s partially true as the PLCAA shields only the gun industry, so it does have one additional item granting it more immunity. Jen Psaki now has a basis to try to defend that latest remark, where Biden’s State of the Union remark is indefensible. However, Biden’s latest remark is also partially a lie since other industries, such as the pharmaceutical industry which developed the Covid vaccine, got lawsuit immunity tailored only to their industry. So, other industries also get immunized. But the purpose behind Biden’s statement is still the same; to falsely convince the average American that the gun industry can’t be sued.
In conflict with Biden’s self-proclaimed support of 2A, he just nominated Steve Dettlebach to head BATFE. Dettlebach has spent most of his legal career working in the “Swamp” with occasional, short, private practice interludes during republican presidencies, when he worked on “regulatory matters”, which usually means he lobbied the “Swamp”.
Biden has nominated a lifetime “Swamp denizen” to lead a “Swamp Bureau”. That won’t end well for the American people. Biden claimed Dettlebach was a “noncontroversial candidate,” even though he holds virtually the same policy positions on 2A as the previous nominee.
Some people in NY formerly believed that Attorney Generals are supposed to be non-political and pursue the law even handedly. That is, they may have believed that until Letetia James became NY’s Attorney General and put anti-2A politics above the law. In 2018, Dettlebach lost in his bid to be elected Ohio’s Attorney General. Dettlebach and James ran somewhat parallel anti-2A campaigns, where Dettlbach promised: an Assault Weapons Ban; Universal Background Checks; gun confiscation for misdemeanor crimes and for those dealing with mental health issues; closing the “gun show loophole”; and disarming teachers, which keeps schools as “gun free” targets. Politics trumps the law for leftist Attorney Generals.
At various other times, while holding positions in and out of the “Swamp”, Dettlebach has published op-eds in favor of leftist anti-2A positions such as Universal Background Checks. In one op-ed, he argued that a background check system will not lead to a federal gun registry (which he admits is illegal under current law.) This ignores that BATFE has been converting out-of-business Firearm Transaction Records (Form 4473s) and Acquisition and Disposition Logs into a digital searchable database.
Will Dettlebach discontinue what he admits is an illegal activity? It’s as likely as the-oceans-are-rising alarmist Barack Obama will stop buying beach front property.
Joe Biden may be willing to go down with the ship but other politicians, who are anti-2A, may not be as suicidal and might be willing to work behind the scenes to try and save the November elections. (Working behind the scenes has come to mean begging Joe Manchin to save the Democrat Party from itself.) Let the NY Senators know how much we oppose Dettlebach’s nomination and these continued assaults on our liberties.