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Open Letter To Governor Cuomo

08/28/2020 8:40 PM | Anonymous

Open Letter To Governor Cuomo by Tom Reynolds

After watching months of riots engulf America, we say enough is enough.  It’s time for you to take action against weapons that are being used to commit crimes.  It’s time for you to ban Assault Skateboards.  It’s time for you to amend your ban on Assault Weapons to include these dangerous Assault Weapons!

Sure, they are in common use, but anyone watching the videos of the peaceful protests turning violent has to be appalled at the use of Assault Skateboards.  You did not hesitate to ban AR 15 rifles even though they are commonly held firearms by the hundreds of thousands and yet you have not done the same for skateboards, which also are commonly held and number in the hundreds of thousands.

How is a police officer to distinguish a peaceful skateboarder rolling by on his way to peacefully protest from the criminal element who will use the skateboard to destroy and assault?  We’ve seen these weapons used to “break and enter” - a crime.  We’ve seen them used against police in major cities and most recently in an assault in Wisconsin - also crimes.  When will it end?

We saw in Wisconsin how an Assault Skateboard led to the death of the peaceful protester who was beating his victim across the head with his Assault Skateboard.  In Wisconsin the AR15 rifle is legal but in New York they are not.  Governor Cuomo, level the playing field so that skateboarders do not have an advantage over disarmed citizenry.  Ban Assault Skateboards!

Assault Weapons are banned because they look dangerous but skateboards get a pass because they are brightly colored.  That’s called camouflage. 

Remember Michael J. Fox’s use of a skateboard to wreak chaos and havoc in “Back To The Future”?  That is our future unless you act now.  Ban Assault Skateboards.

For those that argue that the skateboard is not an Assault Weapon, we would point out that the AR-15 rifle is also not an "Assault Weapon"; it is a civilian rifle that has not been used by the military and would not be.

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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