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A Referendum on Liberty

10/27/2020 7:38 PM | Anonymous

A Referendum on Liberty  by Harold Moskowitz

Life is full of far-reaching decisions.  We choose a means of earning a living, a lifestyle, and perhaps another person with whom to share our life.  These choices can be changed if necessary.  Soon, all of us will have an additional choice to make.  It will profoundly affect not only your future but that of those people we care about as well.

On November 3, 2020, an election will be held.  This election does not involve the mere choice between two candidates of different political parties.  In reality, this election will serve as a national referendum on whether or not we will become a socialist nation.  By extension, it will determine whether we remain a free nation with unalienable rights or a nation of “peasants and serfs” ruled by a tight-fisted soviet style “politburo.”  Should the candidate representing this second scenario win, the levers of government power will be used to stifle dissent and to institute changes designed to create and maintain one party rule in perpetuity.

Without viable opposition, our constitutional republic’s safeguards against tyranny, which were built into our government by the Framers, will be removed or ignored.  In that case, we would be left with unrestricted one-party rule as is currently seen in repressive states such as California and New York.

The choice will be yours to make.  Only you can stop socialism and the loss of individual liberty.  Some choices cannot be undone without having to risk your life.  A choice resulting in the loss of freedom and economic opportunity for those you love is one such choice.  Vote November 3rd to keep your freedom, your cherished values, and your way of life.

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