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Defeat Cuomo in 2018

01/11/2018 10:46 AM | Anonymous

By Tim Andrews - SCOPE President

Yes, we can defeat Andy Cuomo this November. That’s not just wishful thinking, it is a fact. We hear time and again that we cannot overcome the anti-gun vote coming out of the densely populated New York City area, is that true? If it is it’s only because we have not worked hard enough in the past, we must change that in 2018.

Let’s look at the numbers, the total adult population in New York State is approximately 15 million people, a little over 57% of New York State’s adult population lives outside the New York City area. There were approximately 10 million adult New Yorker's who did not vote in the 2014 gubernatorial election, many of them were gun owners, that’s fertile ground and it’s where we need to cultivate this year.

Most gun owners, unfortunately, are not members of SCOPE or other pro-Second Amendment groups in New York. Many of these folks are your friends, co-workers, union members and fellow gun club members, we need you to reach out to them. You are the key to our success in 2018.

The board of elections in your community has all the resources you need to get gun owners registered to vote and then make sure those gun owners vote on November 6, 2018. This includes information on absentee balloting, including voting for members of the military.

We need your help in defeating Andrew Cuomo and other anti-gun politicians in New York State. Cuomo is beatable with your help. Please help us recruit an army of gun owners to defeat Cuomo in 2018.

Visit the New York State Board of the Elections web site for more details:

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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