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Defending the Second Amendment – Why It Matters (An Op-Ed)

04/24/2018 5:43 PM | Anonymous

By Harold Moskowitz

The American Revolution began when British troops marched to Concord to confiscate colonial arms and powder. Colonists viewed confiscation of arms as a violation of the relationship between citizenship, gun ownership, and liberty. Our Declaration of Independence spoke of God given “Inalienable Rights” which could not be denied by a ruler. However, lofty ideals about the People governing themselves and rights  granted by God instead of a king were pointless unless the colonists could win independence.  Without firearms, there would have been no chance.

The Second Amendment addressed the fear that a powerful central government could oppress the People.  It was a guarantee that our national government would neither disarm the People nor replace state militias with a standing army.  Jefferson believed that an armed population would be a deterrence to oppression.  He saw the importance of preserving “the spirit of resistance.”  Today, there are those among us who are involved in efforts to lead this nation toward socialism under a one-world government.  Some work to further that goal while in positions of importance in government.  Others use their considerable personal wealth to fund radical group efforts.  Still others work toward the goal by indoctrinating young minds in university lecture halls.  

They have been weakening us from within by undermining patriotism, authority, the family, expression of religion in public, morality, and our national sovereignty.  Their efforts aim to weaken us through division by race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, language, age, culture, and “economic class.”  “Political correctness” was devised to stifle any criticism of their agenda actions.  To resist them in any way brands one a “racist,” “xenophobe,” “homophobe,” “Islamophobe,” etc. In our schools, the young are taught that “guns are bad.”  For reinforcement, tee-shirts or trinkets portraying a firearm are prohibited.  One elementary school child was even suspended for chewing a pop-tart into the shape of a gun.

The “globalists” would end U.S. sovereignty by having the government sign agreements such as the U.N. Small Arms Treaty.  That treaty was solidly supported by then Secretary of State Clinton. International treaties of this type shift decision making on important issues from our elected government to international bodies where unelected, unaccountable administrators would decide how you would live.  International law would supersede our Constitution and laws.  There is no right of self defense under international law.  In addition, firearm ownership is not considered an individual right.

It is the Second Amendment with the potential for armed resistance which is slowing the globalist agenda.  The 300-plus million firearms in our urban/suburban communities could be problematic for government leaders if the public were pushed too far, too quickly.  Calls for universal background checks are really aimed at national gun registration. Australian-style confiscations would then follow each subsequent mass shooting.  AR15’s would be first, followed by semi-automatic pistols and shotguns etc.  For now, they settle for incrementally chipping away at firearm ownership after each mass shooting.  Each “gun-free zone” school shooting provides the emotional momentum for rapid, new infringements on Second Amendment rights.

Increasingly, the Bill of Rights is ignored in the name of security.  The Constitution itself is often dismissed by many young people as an outdated document written by “old white slave owners.”  The window of opportunity for altering this transformational agenda is in the process of closing.  The Second Amendment keeps it open.

If the Second Amendment can be continuously eroded, the other amendments are not secure.  This is the civil rights cause of our era.  We were placed here, in this time, for a purpose. We must forget our differences, political or otherwise, to unite for defending and protecting our Second Amendment rights and, by extension, the preservation of the rest of the Bill of Rights, for those who come after us.

The November election is crucial for preserving individual liberty at the national and state levels.  No excuses!  If you are not registered to vote, get registered and encourage others to get registered.  Speak to every gun owner about the importance of voting in this election.  Governor Cuomo must be replaced to prevent new S.A.F.E. Act restrictions.  At the national level, Democrat control of Congress would guarantee new firearm restrictions.

There is a tough row to hoe ahead of us. S.C.O.P.E. and other firearm organizations must coordinate and mobilize their members through county chapters and affiliated sporting groups.  Voting registration forms and absentee ballots should be available at all gun shops, ranges, sporting competitions and chapter meetings.  Chapters need to make provisions for members to call absent members as reminders to vote on November 6th.  “Summer Soldiers” and “Sunshine Patriots” will not win the day for the preservation of individual liberty!  Only your inaction can guarantee Governor Cuomo another chance to restrict your Second Amendment rights!

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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