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Why This Midterm Election Matters

11/12/2018 9:27 AM | Anonymous

By Harold Moskowitz 

“November is coming, November is coming.” Should this call to attention create less anxiety than “the British are coming” from 1775, or from the Cold War, “the Russians are coming?” Politics, like diplomacy, is conducting war by other means. Yes, we are in a “war,” a war for determining the future of this nation and the conditions under which your descendants will live. Our nation is being undermined by internal and external forces.

The Democrat Party is no longer the party of John F. Kennedy and Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Gradually, it has been taken over by those who eagerly support a socialist central government with limited individual liberties. Several Congressional Democrats are currently members of the Democratic Socialists of America. Its members work to transform the nation from capitalism to socialism. Senator Bernie Sanders, a socialist who chose to have his honeymoon in Moscow, calls for new economic entitlements which could not long be funded even if “the one percent” was relieved of every last dollar for redistribution of wealth.

In a New York City primary race, a 28-year-old Democratic Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, defeated her long-time incumbent opponent. She campaigned on providing a national guaranteed income for all. Her entitlement wish list is longer than that of Senator Sanders. For now, congressional Democrats are distancing themselves from her for fear of a “negative” impact in the midterm elections. Privately, many of them believe the transformation from capitalism to socialism should be done slowly in smaller steps. Socialist and communist candidates are shedding their “progressive” camouflage and are indicating their goals for this nation. With their siren lure of “free” entitlements, they are making the midterm election a referendum on a socialist economic and political future for all of us. Tom Perez, the left-wing chairman of the Democratic Committee, has praised OcasioCortez as “the future of our national party.” If that is not a “red flag” for you, then revisit the historical relationship between the setting up of socialist governments and gun control. It always leads to firearm confiscation. The Second Amendment’s right to self-defense might be the only thing holding back left-wing Progressive Democrats from quickly ending U.S. sovereignty and individual liberties.

Our traditional American values are under attack, and indirectly, our Constitution. We watch as a lawfully elected President is constantly attacked. The Executive Branch of our Constitutional Republic and its authority are being undermined, perhaps irreparably. There is an expanding chasm between today’s Democrat Party and most Americans. Some wonder if there is the possibility of an eventual civil war. Yes, November is coming. A Democrat “Blue Wave” would set the stage for impeachment proceedings against the President. This would hamper his ability to effectively protect the nation. In addition, a veto-proof Democrat majority would result in a slew of anti-firearm regulations, including national firearm registration, the required first step toward confiscation.

Even without Russian interference in the November elections, their continuing efforts to interfere by dividing our people seems to be successful. The nation’s highest intelligence office, Dan Coats, has said that “much as the soviets did in the Cold War, the Russian active measures are much bigger than just elections.” He has testified that Moscow’s actions are “designed to exacerbate social and political fissures in the United States.

If Progressive Democrats continue to overload our expanding entitlement system, economic chaos will result. Since the 1960’s, their policies have eroded respect for authority in law enforcement, school classrooms, and parenting. As a result, in an economic or other crisis, the civil society could quickly unravel. At that point, you would be glad to still have access to “powder and shot.”

Where do you stand on this “referendum” on socialism and planned gun confiscation? The “Progressive” Social-Democrats are expecting big wins at all levels of government. Do you want a Governor Cuomo S.A.F.E. Act II? This election is not between Democrats and Republicans. It is between those who favor constitutionally-limited government with individual liberties and those who want an increasingly powerful government that grants entitlements paid for with ever larger shares of your income. It would offer few personal liberties and no individual right to self-defense.

Talk to those who see no benefit in voting. Explain what is at stake regardless of their political category. Gun ownership and a desire for individual liberties cross party lines. Stay focused on the preservation of our nation and values when you vote on November 6th and “keep your powder dry.”

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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