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Observations by a former NYer....

12/30/2018 11:01 AM | Anonymous

Observation by a former NYer and former S.C.O.P.E. Member, Paul Rusin, in a recent comment on our page....

Facts are terrible things. 
Fact 1: gun owners are notoriously lax when it comes to voting, or joining organizations that support them. When they do join, they expect that their small pittance in dues should suffice, and that the organization should do all it can using that small pittance to promote 2A. 

Fact 2: The apathy in the gun owner community stinks to high heaven. I have sat tables trying to convince gun owners to join pro-2A organizations, and it is like pulling eye teeth, and molars. They think they are simply going to shoot it out in the dead of night with armed, and bullet resistant vested, army of troops willing to kill them, their dog, their family, their cat, anything that gets in their way. They will be outgunned 20 to 1, and their ammo will run out far faster than the full automatics brought to bear against them.

Fact 3: Once laws are put on the books, there is little likelihood that those laws will be repealed, or even shot down at the judicial level. This is because the 'Deep State' is VERY deep, entrenched, and until folks are willing to use their clout at the polls (many will not fearing jury duty, or other inane things), there will be no change. Further, the level at which most RINO's, and Dems start is the local level. You want to stop the anti-2A folks from running? You must become involved in your local party apparatus. Not only be involved, but don't give up, and if necessary take over the local operation(s). At that point you will determine who runs for office. You will have to look for candidates, or become those candidates. This is what the commuNAZI's have been doing for the last 70 to 100 years. They have called themselves liberal, progressive, but they are communists, socialists, fascists, National Socialists. They have infiltrated, and taken over, both parties, and they are coming for our guns idf you don't ingratiate yourselves, and take over. Our country cannot be taken over without you allowing it.

Fact 4: NRA can only do so much, GOA, SCOPE (NY), NYSR&P, even other state pro-2A organizations. They are only as strong as their membership. If you are weak, they will be, too. Also, stop relying on NRA, because I have spoken with Wayne LaPierre, and offered him court precedents which undermine Pistol Permits/licensing. I have waited two decades for him, and NRA to get off the pot, and start promoting the fact that these laws are egregious attempts at limiting (see the meaning of infringe) the ability to carry by the majority. These will either carry illegally (but constitutionally - without a permit), or they will simply cede their right due to the costs, and associated background checks, etc.
There are probably more things on which I could expound, but you all know what has to be done. So go out, and do it

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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