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Chairman's Corner

  • 10/28/2020 3:30 PM | Anonymous

    Wayne County SCOPE Members Meeting

    Wednesday, November 11, 2020


    This month’s members meeting of Wayne County SCOPE is 

    Wednesday, November 11 @ 7 pm in the Marion American Legion Post

    located at 4141 Witherden Rd. Marion, NY 14505.

    Topics of discussion include:

    • Election results at all levels.
    • Direction of SCOPE following the elections.
    • Coping with COVID-19 moving forward.
    • Fundraising in advance of 2022 NY State elections. "PACK the PAC!"
    • Overview of new SCOPE website by Dave Colburn 
    • Website Q & A 
    • Joe Edwards on youth trap shooting teams from Wayne County schools.



                DESERVE NEITHER LIBERTY NOR SAFETY.”           

     — BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790)

  • 10/23/2020 12:39 AM | Anonymous

    This message was sent to members from SCOPE President Tom Reynolds:

    "There are many gun owners in New York (perhaps millions) who do not believe that Cuomo and company are coming for their weapons and, thus, there is no need to vote.  Well, guess what? There is now evidence that Cuomo and company are going after all guns!

    Bills that were introduced in both the New York State Senate (S7065) and the Assembly (A01589-A) will require that before any sale, exchange or disposal of a firearm, rifle or shotgun, the purchaser must pass a mental health examination.  No exemption for hunters.  No exemption for target shooting.  No exemption for self-defense. No exemption for…anything."

    The state senate now has a 'companion' bill to one that has sat in the assembly for months.  This brings the total of "2-House" anti-gun bills to 9 in 2020.  Seven were passed into law in 2019.

    The passage of the nine 2020 bills would bring the total to 16 in only two years.  The days of the state senate protecting gun owners is over.   Bills like these would have 'died' in Committee 2 years ago just as many did since passage of the so-called SAFE Act in 2013.  

    Cuomo and his gun control allies in Albany do not need another Unsafe act.  They merely need to roll along, year after year, with new intrusive and unconstitutional gun laws.  When will we put a halt to this?  It will only happen when gun owners to get off the couch on November 3 and VOTE.

    Choose candidates rated by SCOPE regardless of their party affiliation. You can find these ratings of federal and state candidates on the Home page of the state website:  

    Encourage fellow gun owners to vote for gun friendly candidates. 


  • 10/12/2020 1:50 AM | Anonymous

    This month’s members meeting of Wayne County SCOPE is this coming Wednesday, October 14 @ 7 pm in the Marion American Legion Post located at 4141 Witherden Rd. Marion, NY 14505.

    • Topics of discussion include:

    • ·      An update on state and federal legislation affecting our gun rights.
    • ·      Key points behind the Democrat’s platform on guns. 
    • ·      The use of filibusters and the threat to abolish them. How might this affect you?
    • ·      How SCOPE has impacted this year’s elections including:
    • o   Ratings of legislators.
    • o   Donations to legislators.
    • ·      Your individual donations can still impact the election.
    • ·      How can you promote voting amongst gun owners?
    • ·      Last minute General Election info.

    This year’s election is more critical to our cause than any in the recent past. There is still time to impact the outcome. This meeting will help you learn the roles we need to play before Nov. 3.

  • 09/26/2020 1:05 AM | Anonymous

    Three candidates for office accepted our invitation to attend our September 9 meeting and present their platforms in advance of the NOVEMBER 3rd ELECTION DAY. 

    State Senator Pam Helming, State Assemblyman Brian Manktelow and Congressman John Katko were in attendance. Invited opponents did not attend the meeting. 

    All 3 candidates are Republicans and offered substantial reasons for us to support them at the polls.  Each is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment.  They have either sponsored or voted in favor of legislation protecting our liberties.  These include, in addition to the 2nd Amendment, the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments. 

    It is clear they all support our right to due process; right to protection from government confiscation of our personal property; right to knowledge of our accuser(s); right to represent an accuser in a court of law with the assumption being that we are innocent until proven guilty.

    It may be easy for us to focus on the 2nd Amendment and overlook the importance of these latter four Amendments. Yet the State has thrown many law-abiding Gun owners ‘under the bus’ by violating these fundamental civil and Constitutional rights.  The passage of a so-called “Red Flag” law in 2019 was only the beginning of yet another round of intrusive gun control laws.  Many nationwide examples have proven this type of law, sometimes known as an Extreme Risk Protection Ordinance (ERPO)to be a violation of our liberties.  Why?  Consider:

    1.     Judges can issue an ERPO - formerly known as the unconstitutional GRVO or Gun Violence Restraining Order — without any testimony from the accused. In other words, the accused is denied his or her Sixth Amendment protected rights.  The person served the order will lose their Second Amendment right to own or even possess a firearm.  All firearms will be confiscated.

    2.     The Sixth Amendment provides that “in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him.” The Clause was intended to prevent the conviction of a defendant upon written evidence (such as depositions or ex parte affidavits) without that defendant having an opportunity to face his or her accusers and to put their honesty and truthfulness to test before a judge and/or jury.

    3.     Who are these people filing for an ERPO? Mental health experts? No. They are family members, LEOs and judges. The list could grow to include present and former romantic partners.  People who could possibly act entirely out of hatred, anger and revenge.

    We have 3 candidates who have told us they understand the importance of our Constitution and it’s guaranteed rights.  They also need financial support.  We, as independent voters, can provide that support outside of SCOPE’s nonprofit structure.  SCOPE, the corporate entity, cannot legally endorse a candidate.  However, it can rate them.  Then it is the individual member’s personal choice as to whether to financially support a candidate.  

    We will provide you with the ratings of all three candidates mentioned above at our October 14 meeting as well as postal addresses if you wish to donate to their cause.  Bring your checkbooks.  


  • 09/07/2020 12:14 AM | Anonymous

    We are facing many challenges to our God-given Constitutional and civil liberties. 

    Legislation is being enacted by groups intent on restricting not only our Second Amendment rights but the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments as well. 

    ‘Round one’ of our battle began in 2013 with the so-called “SAFE” Act. Seven new gun control laws in New York were passed in 2019. We have been warned about “SAFE Act 2” and must now face its reality if 8 new anti-gun bills in 2020 are passed into law. 

    The “Red Flag” or ERPO passed last year in Albany was perhaps the most dangerous law. It has become a widely used instrument to take away someone’s constitutional rights with little or no due process. Now we may face it on the federal level too. 

    Our opportunity to preserve our Constitutional rights depend upon our right to vote. This is the only right that cannot be legislated away. We must all exercise this right on November 3.  

    Plan to attend our Wayne County meeting on September 9.  You will meet the candidates hoping to earn your votes on November 3.  We will pose questions and give you an opportunity to do the same. 

    We gun owners can win any election if and only if we vote!  This is an obligation as well as a right. “Meet the Candidates Night” on Wednesday is step one to meeting that obligation. 

  • 08/20/2020 1:50 AM | Anonymous

    Wayne County Members SCOPE Meeting August 8, 2020 

    All COVID recommendations were observed at the Marion Legion. The meeting was called to order at 7pm by the Vice Chairman. The secretary’s minutes were not available.  The treasurer reported a balance forward of 2531.61 as of July 31, 2020. 

    The Chairman reported on the election of Tom Reynolds to the position of President of SCOPE and other state officers elected at the SBOD meeting held July 25. Tom Reynolds met with Tom King, President of NYSR&P and agreed that the upcoming elections in November should override all other issues. President Tom Reynolds also met with a state Senator to discuss upcoming elections 

    In light of recent national events, Pennsylvania counties have been overwhelmed by concealed carry permit requests.  In New Hampshire, Governor Chris Sununu has vetoed proposed “red flag” gun confiscation.  In New York, Attorney General Letitia James has brought suit against the NRA. 

    The Supreme Court of the State of New York ruled in favor of a Rockland County petitionerIt overruled a judge’s decision that “enjoined the petitioner from applying for an unrestricted pistol permit for one year” concluding “…the licensing agent was without authority to bar the petitioner from reapplying for an unrestricted pistol permit for one year “.  (see "Briefings" on the Home page for more details)

    It was announced that a “Candidates Night” will be held the evening of our September 9 meeting. Candidates from the two major parties will be invited to attend. The WCS Committee will question the candidates and rate each on a scale of A to F based upon their answers. The law prescribes that as a 501C4 nonprofit organization we are unable to endorse candidates but are allowed to rate them.   

    NRA representative Scott Buisch reported on Letitia James’ recent efforts to target the NRA. No criminal charges have been brought against the organization and no Grand Jury has been convened despite the Attorney General’s allegations.  Mr. Buisch contends the intention, rather, is to embarrass the NRA as a political opponent and to dry up the NRA’s ability to financially support pro-Second Amendment candidates. The Chairman proposed a chapter donation of $300 to the NRA and it was passed by the members present 

    Dan Olsen reported on topics related to the upcoming November 3rd elections. He discussed Early Voting policies and procedures as outlined by the Wayne County Board of Elections.  

    Assemblyman Brian Manktelow reported on the response he received to his recent mailer outlining his rejection of various anti-gun measures proposed in Albany. He noted that the Democrat majority appears single-mindedly opposed to Constitutional safeguards regarding gun ownership.  He recommended legal gun owners support like-minded candidates via letters to the Editor, campaign involvement, and voting.  Greater activism by conservative gun owners will be necessary to preserve gun rights in NY. 

    County Clerk Mike Jankowski followed up with a discussion about gun permit numbers in Wayne County. Despite surges in other counties and states, new permit requests and addendums to permits have remained fairly consistent when compared with other years.  He reminded everyone about the importance of completing the 2020 census, since population density is used to draw political boundaries for local, state, and federal elections.  Federal funding for Medicare, education, transportation access, and business development is also determined by census data. 

    Wayne County Supervisors’ Chair Ken Miller reported on county efforts to ensure necessary voting place decorum given the coronavirus pandemic. He reiterated Assemblyman Manktelow’s recommendation that members actively support candidates who advocate for gun rights and encourage gun owners to vote.  

    Mike Jankowski won the 50-50 raffle and donated his winnings to the NRA. 

    The meeting was closed at 8:15. 

    NOTE: The next members meeting will be September 9 at 7 pm at the Marion Legion. Our "Candidates Night" will be the major portion of the agenda. This is your opportunity to meet several candidates running for elected office in November and listen to their answers to our questions and yours. We expect everyone who attends will leave better educated on gun rights and gun control issues. Join us and prepare yourself to vote intelligently on November 3rd. 

  • 07/30/2020 10:21 PM | Anonymous

    Wayne County SCOPE will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, August 12 @ 7 PM at the Marion American Legion.  Members are asked to wear masks and practice social distancing. The Legion will be open and also the bar. 

    We look forward to feedback on proposed gun bills by our Assemblyman Brian Manktelow. 

    Senator Pam Helming has also been invited to speak.  She is chairman of the senate committee seeking candidates to replace a number of retiring senators. 

    Please plan to wear a mask while moving around the room or building.  No mask is needed while seated at your table.  A maximum of 4 per table is allowed in order to properly social distance. Your cooperation is appreciated by the Legion's leadership. 

  • 07/20/2020 10:55 PM | Anonymous

    Wayne County SCOPE will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, August 12@7 pm at the Marion American Legion.

    We should have some feedback on proposed gun bills by our Assemblyman Brian Manktelow. 

    Members are asked to wear masks and practice social distancing. Weather permitting, we may hold the meeting outdoors again.

  • 07/16/2020 1:51 PM | Anonymous

    Wayne County Clerk Mike Jankowski has informed me that the Wayne County Sheriff’s office and the County Clerk’s office is now able to again begin processing new pistol permits. 

    Amendments to existing permits were still processed during the state pandemic shutdown as long as no Brady check was required. These checks must be completed for an amendment only if the applicant has not had one in the past 5 years. Those with recent checks were able to complete amendments to their permit.

    The state office responsible for running the Brady checks was shut down by the state. This prevented the Sheriff’s office from completing new pistol permits which all require a Brady check. 

    Thanks for the info Mike!

  • 07/12/2020 12:01 AM | Anonymous

    Our Wayne County SCOPE July members meeting was held July 8 at the Marion American Legion. Speakers were NY State Assemblyman Bryan Manktelow and Wayne County Board of Supervisors Chairman Ken Miller. Masks and social distancing were observed. 

    Bryan handed out copies of new 2020 gun control bills which have sponsors in both houses of the legislature. They only need to be passed by their respective committees and sent to the floors of each house for passage. Do you doubt the governor would sign a new gun control bill into law?

    Kudos to Bryan’s staff for printing and stapling the bills for us. 

    It was agreed that all WCS members should contact both our state Assembly and Senate offices and express our concern with these bills. Visit both of the websites below and leave Pam and Bryan a message to vote against all gun control bills:

    Pam Helming ( R, C, IP ) Senate District 54

    Assemblyman Brian Manktelow (R) Assembly District 130

    [You can visit the State SCOPE website to learn more about these bills. Simply go to the “HOME” page and look for:]


    Learn about pending NYS legislation put forth by our representatives in Albany that may effect your 2nd Amendment and Civil Rights in the State of New York.

    More Info

    [Click on “More Info” to see the bills listed under:]


    Bryan explained that the legislature has other pending issues, primarily last year’s controversial bail law and the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the legislative session ending in June there will be a special session later this month. there is nothing stopping the governor from calling additional special sessions between now and December 31. This is why it is critical that each of you send a message to both of our elected officials expressing your displeasure with these gun bills. You can identify the bills by their number.

    Ken handed out face masks to those who needed them. He gave us an update on the effects of COVID-19 in Wayne County. Hopefully all businesses will fully be operating in the near future. The financial burden on business owners and Wayne County is staggering. Ken is determined, as Board Chairman, to see the creation of a balanced county budget. 

    Both officials agreed that sacrifices will need to be made but are intent on preventing the financial burden of the coronavirus pandemic from being foisted upon our future generations. 

    We plan to hold our next WCS members meeting on August 12. Members will be reminded on our website and via email.

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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